Ouji Kaoru


Ouji Kaoru Hi Res OFF Ouji Kaoru Frozen Holiday ON

Picture Credit: yaomeis | The Takarazuka VIII: Snow Troupe / Frozen Holiday Programme

Standard Profile Information

Name: Ouji Kaoru
Kanji: 桜路 薫
Current Troupe: Snow
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Current

Nickname: Nao, Ouji
Height: 169cm
Birthday: March 20th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Nishinomiya, Hyogo Prefecture
Favorite Food: purin
Favorite Flower: roses, cherry blossoms
Favorite Colors: purple, black, ultramarine
Hobbies: theatre-going, reading, Go (a Japanese board game comparable to chess)
Collections: men's products
Special Talent: Awa Odori
Origin of Stage Name: thought of it with her mother, using the image of cherry blossoms in full bloom on the Hana no Michi
Favorite Role: Viscount Charles de Noailles from In the Amber-hued Rain national tour
Would Like to Try Playing: various roles

Debut: 2009 (95th Class) Amour, it's something like...
Troupe History:
2009 - Current Snow Troupe


2024: Crash Landing on You (Brillia Hall / Umeda Arts)
2024: The Rose of Versailles: Fersen, Armand
2024: Romanesque Mask / Gato Bonito!! (National Tour), Minister LeBlanc
2023-24: Boiled Doyle on the Toil Trail / Frozen Holiday, Bryan Charles Waller / Subject 1
2023: Hyperbolic Chart (Drama City / Nippon Seinenkan), Cesare Sardi
2023: A Dream in Lilac / Jewel de Paris!!, Schinkel
2023: Bonnie & Clyde (Misonoza), Captain Frank Hamer
2022: The Pleiades in the Blue, Chang Lianzhong
2022: Odyssey -The Age of Discovery- (Umeda Main Hall)
2022: Yumesuke's Dream-Senryo Souvenir / Sensational!, Ichimura Chubei
2021: City Hunter / Fire Fever!, Master / Sakuragi
2021: The Man Who Was Magic (Bow Hall), Malvolio
2021: Fortississimo / Silk Road, Archduke Charles
2020: Once Upon a Time in America, Frankie
2019: Spreading Golden Wings / Music Revolution! (National Tour), Miguel
2019: When the Last Sword Is Drawn / Music Revolution!, Yagi Gennojou
2019: On the Twentieth Century (Tokyuu Theater Orb), Bismark, Rodney
2018-19: Phantom, Mifroit
2018: Arch of Triumph / Gato Bonito!!, Abel, Accordion Player
2018: The Spirit of the Samurai / Super Voyager! (National Tour)
2017-18: A Passage Through the Light ~Maximilien Robespierre, the Revolutionary~ / Super Voyager!, Jacques Pierre Brissot, Marie-Anne's father
2017: In the Amber-Hued Rain / "D"ramatic S (National Tour), Viscount Charles de Noailles
2017: The Sun in the Last Days of the Shogunate / Dramatic 'S'!, Kaneji
2017: One Night of Stars / Greatest Hits! (Chunichi), Ukichi
2016: Caleb Hunt, Private Eye / Greatest Hits!
2016: Roman Holiday (Chunichi / Akasaka / Umeda Arts), Gelato seller
2016: The Wanderer Kenshin
2015: Sorrowful Córdoba / La Esmeralda (National Tour), Pepe
2015: One Night of Stars / La Esmeralda, Nabeshima Naozane / Bandit 2
2015: Al Capone -The Hidden Truth of Scarface- (Drama City / Akasaka ACT), Joseph W. Nosek
2015: Lupin III / Fancy Guy!, Nobleman
2014: The Charterhouse of Parma (Bow Hall), Grillo
2014: Maeda Keiji / My Dream Takarazuka, Mouri Terumoto
2014: Rose of Versailles: Oscar and Andre (National Tour), Michel
2013-14 Shall We Dance / Congratulations Takarazuka!!
2013: Spring Thunder (Bow Hall), Nicholaus
2013: Rose of Versailles: Fersen
2013: Black Jack (Drama City / Nippon Seinenkan), Kuroda
2012: Jin / Gold Spark!, ''Fate's Dancing Dreamer A"
2012: Footloose (Umeda / Hakataza)
2012: Don Carlos / Shining Rhythm!
2011: Samourai (Drama City), Achard
2011: The Man in the Iron Mask / Royal Straight Flush!!
2011: Beyond the Blaze (Bow Hall), Commodus (as a child)
2011: Nijinsky (Bow Hall)
2011: Romeo & Juliette, Montague Man
2010: In Love For the First Time (Drama City)
2010: Roget / Rock On!
2010: The Dawn at Solferino / Carnevale: A Sleeping Dream
2009: Russian Blue / Rio de Bravo!!
2009: Raindrops Fall on Roses / Amour, it's something like... (Cosmos - Grand Theater)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

2015: One Night of Stars, Ukichi (HY: Mana Haruto)
2015: Lupin III, Cardinal de Rohan (HY: Renjou Makoto)
2014: Maeda Keiji, Toyotomi Hideyoshi (HY: Natsumi You)
2013-14 Shall We Dance?, Old Person (HY: Ouga Mitsuki)
2013: Rose of Versailles: Fersen, Count de Mercy-Argenteau (HY: Natori Rei)
2012: Jin, Yamada Jun'an (HY: Ayanagi Shou)
2012: Don Carlos, Enrique (HY: Kujou Asu)
2011: The Man in the Iron Mask (Tokyo), Conductor (HY: Asakaze Rei)
2011: The Man in the Iron Mask (Grand Theater), Megaphone Holder (in Bowling) (HY: Asakaze Rei)
2011: Romeo & Juliette
2010: Roget
2010: The Dawn at Solferino, Popolino (HY: Mana Haruto)
2009: Russian Blue, Arkadi Slonimsky (HY: Mana Haruto)
2009: Raindrops Fall on Roses (Cosmos - Grand Theater)

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

2020: Nozomi Fuuto Mega Live Tour "Now! Zoom Me!!" (Nozomi Fuuto concert)
2013: SS (Sagiri Seina Dinner Show)


None yet.

Created by lokai. Last Modification: Thursday 25 of July, 2024 17:47:19 GMT-0000 by yaomeis.
