When editing this page, please put the shows in alphabetical order, minus any minor leading words ("A" or "The", for example.) Remember to follow the Page Naming Guidelines if you are creating a page for the first time.
Only shows that actually have an individual summary, or that you are going to create a page for, should be indexed on these pages. If you don't intend to put up a summary page, don't add the show to this list. Remember, you can link the show by more than one name if necessary. Make sure you READ THIS PAGE before adding anything here.
Only shows that actually have an individual summary, or that you are going to create a page for, should be indexed on these pages. If you don't intend to put up a summary page, don't add the show to this list. Remember, you can link the show by more than one name if necessary. Make sure you READ THIS PAGE before adding anything here.
The Game
Gato Bonito!!
Genji Fan / Apollon
Genroku Baroque Rock / The Fascination!
The Gentle Liar
Ghost Detective
Ghost at Midnight / Les Cherubim
Gin-chan's Love (Cosmos 2010)
Gin-chan's Love (Flower 2008)
Gin-chan's Love (Moon 1996)
The Girl In the Dream / Ballade of Young People
The Girl from Arles / Hit Kit
Girls, O! Girls
The Glassy Landscape / Babylon
The Glow of Sunset in Asuka / Takarazuka Splendor II!
God of Stars / Éclair Brillant
Gold Hill / Hallelujah
Gold Spark!
Golden Days
Golden Dead Schiele
Golden Desert
Golden Dream
Golden Jazz
Golden Liberty / Phoenix Rising
Golden Pharaoh / Miracat
Golden Sound
Golden Takarazuka 60
Gone With the Wind (Moon 1977)
Gone With the Wind (Star 1977)
Gone With the Wind (Snow 1988)
Gone with the Wind (Moon 1994)
Gone with the Wind (Flower 1997)
Gone with the Wind (Snow 1998)
Gone with the Wind (Star 2001)
Gone with the Wind (Snow 2002)
Gone with the Wind (Flower 2002)
Gone with the Wind (Cosmos 2004)
Gone With the Wind (Cosmos 2013)
Gone with the Wind (Moon/Senka 2014)
Gone with the Wind (Moon/Senka 2015)
Gone with the Wind -Scarlett- (Flower 1978)
Gone with the Wind -Scarlett- (Snow 1978)
Gone with the Wind -Scarlett- (Snow 1994)
Goodbye Merry-Go-Round
Goodbye Peppermint Night!
Gran Cantante!!
Gran Cantante!! (Tour)
Grand Elegance
Grand Hotel / Broadway Boys
Grand Hotel / Carousel Rondo
Grand Mirage!
Grand Shanghai
Grand Soleil -Sunflower-
Grande Takarazuka 110! (Moon 2024)
Grande Takarazuka 110! (Moon National Tour 2024)
Grandes Belles Folies
The Great Ace Attorney
Great and Splendid Land -Faraway Yamato- / A Magician's Misfortunes
Great Century
Great Century (Hakataza)
The Great Detective is All Alone / La La Flora (1984)
The Great Detective is All Alone / La La Flora (1985)
Great Expectations / The Modern
The Great Gatsby / Lovers' Concerto (Snow 1991-92)
The Great Gatsby (Moon 2008)
The Great Gatsby (Moon 2022)
Great Pirates / Amour, it's something like...
Great Pirates / Heat on Beat! -Evolution-
Great Pirates / Jazzmania
Greatest Hits!
The Greedy Old Lady / Guzzler Yukikane / Mon Paris
Green Sleeves
Growing Up (Flower 1994)
Growing Up (Moon 1994)
Growing Up / The Love Robbers
Gu Bijin (Flower 2010)
Guide to the Future / TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!! (Moon 2014)
Guide to the Future / TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!! (Moon Hakataza 2014)
Guys and Dolls (Moon 1984-85)
Guys and Dolls (Moon 2002)
Guzzler Yukikane / Mon Paris
The Gypsy Baron / Rhapsodic Moon
Gypsy Lord / Lovers
Gypsy of the Setting Sun / Happy Tomorrow