Suwa Saki


Suwa Off Saki Suwa On

Picture Credit: May | Rising Star Guide 2021 / woonarz | All By Myself Le Cinq

Standard Profile Information

Name: Suwa Saki
Kanji: 諏訪 さき
Current Troupe: Snow
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Current

Nickname: Shuwacchi, Kussu
Height: 172cm
Birthday: October 3
Blood Type:
Hometown: Kyoto
Favorite Food: chili mentaiko, white peaches
Favorite Flower: roses
Favorite Colors: shades of green, black, white
Hobbies: watching theatre, karaoke
Collections: Rilakkuma items, sparkly accessories
Special Talent: tap dance
Origin of Stage Name: from her mother's stage name
Favorite Role: everything from The Count's Daughter and Don Juan, Kanou Souzaburou from The Wanderer Kenshin shinjin kouen, Antoine de St-Just from A Passage Through the Light shinjin kouen
Would Like to Try Playing: Don Lockwood from Singin' in the Rain, a villain with a backstory

Debut: 2013 (99th Class) Rose of Versailles: Fersen
Troupe History:
2014 - Current Snow Troupe


2024: Crash Landing on You (Brillia Hall / Umeda Arts)
2024: The Rose of Versailles: Fersen, Girodelle
2024: All By Myself (Sagami Women's University / NHK Osaka Hall)
2023-24: Boiled Doyle on the Toil Trail / Frozen Holiday, William Boot
2023: Too Short a Time to Fall in Love / Jewel de Paris!! (National Tour), McNeil O'Connor
2023: A Dream in Lilac / Jewel de Paris!!, Eichthal
2023: Struensee of the Shore (KAAT Kanagawa Arts Theater / Drama City), Enevold von Brandt
2022: The Pleiades in the Blue, Tan Sitong
2022: Lovers' Suicide: Love in Yamatoji (Drama City / Nippon Seinenkan), Yohei
2022: Yumesuke's Dream-Senryo Souvenir / Sensational!, Saito Shintaro
2021: City Hunter / Fire Fever!, Masa
2021: The Emblem of Venezia / Le Poison -Again- (National Tour), Vittorio
2021: Fortississimo / Silk Road, Werther
2020: Once Upon a Time in America, Bugsy / Danny
2019: Hollywood Gossip (KAAT / Drama City), Bobby
2019: When the Last Sword Is Drawn / Music Revolution!, Toudou Heisuke
2019: On the Twentieth Century (Tokyuu Theater Orb), Chip
2018-19: Phantom, Phantom's Follower
2018: Arch of Triumph / Gato Bonito!!, Black Shadow
2018: Yoshitsune and the Fox Spirit (Bow Hall), Hiromoto
2017-18: A Passage Through the Light ~Maximilien Robespierre, the Revolutionary~ / Super Voyager!, Jacques-Louis David, Newspaper seller
2017: Captain Nemo (Nippon Seinenkan / Drama City), Bogdanas
2017: The Sun in the Last Days of the Shogunate / Dramatic 'S'!, Shirai Shousuke
2017: New Wave! -Snow- (Bow Hall)
2016: Caleb Hunt, Private Eye / Greatest Hits!
2016: Don Juan (KAAT / Drama City), gypsy singer
2016: The Wanderer Kenshin
2015: Two Pieces of Silver (Bow Hall)
2015: One Night of Stars / La Esmeralda
2015: Man of Starlight / Fancy Guy! (Hakataza), Enami Daisuke
2015: Lupin III / Fancy Guy!
2014: The Count's Daughter (Nissay), Gino
2014: Maeda Keiji / My Dream Takarazuka
2013: Arsène Lupin / Fantastic Energy! (Moon)
2013: Rose of Versailles: Fersen (Snow - Grand Theater)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

2020: Once Upon a Time in America, Noodles (HY: Nozomi Fuuto) (lead role)
2019: When the Last Sword Is Drawn, Oono Jirouemon (HY: Ayakaze Sakina)
2018-19: Phantom, Inspector Ledoux (HY: Mana Haruto)
2018: Arch of Triumph, Schneider (HY: Souno Haruto)
2017-18: A Passage Through the Light ~Maximilien Robespierre, the Revolutionary~, Antoine de St-Just (HY: Asami Jun)
2017: The Sun in the Last Days of the Shogunate, Tokusaburou (HY: Ayakaze Sakina)
2016: Caleb Hunt, Private Eye, Horatio (HY: Ayanagi Shou)
2016: The Wanderer Kenshin, Kanou Souzaburou (HY: Nozomi Fuuto)
2015: One Night of Stars, Taizou (HY: Renjou Makoto)
2015: Lupin III, Barnave (HY: Towaki Sea)
2014: Maeda Keiji, Ganninbouzu (HY: Kujou Asu)

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

2023: 56th Takarazuka Buyoukai
2020: Nozomi Fuuto Mega Live Tour "Now! Zoom Me!!" (Nozomi Fuuto Concert)
2019: Paris Festival 2019
2016: Bow Singing Workshop -Snow-


Created by lokai. Last Modification: Tuesday 23 of July, 2024 17:08:41 GMT-0000 by kisaki.
