Seijou Kaito

The Takarazuka V: Moon Troupe / Le Cinq Romeo & Juliette
Name: Seijou Kaito
Kanji: 星条 海斗
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Magee, Ricchan
Height: 173 cm
Birthday: July 19
Blood Type: O
Hometown: Yokohama, Kanagawa
Favorite Food: umeboshi (pickled plums), Japanese cuisine, Spanish cuisine
Favorite Flower: rose
Favorite Colors: white, red
Hobbies: pilates, traveling, Yamuna body rolling (a type of exercise)
Collections: aromatic candles, perfume
Special Talent: English, imitating things
Origin of Stage Name: from the Stars and Stripes (seijouki - the United States flag)
Favorite Role: Caesar from the Rome at Dawn shinjin kouen, Alain from The Rose of Versailles, everything from Falstaff and her dinner shows Flügel and Masquerade
Would Like to Try Playing: a role that only Seijou Kaito could play
Debut: 2000 (86th Class) Lived in a Dream
Troupe History:
2015 - 2018 Senka
2000 - 2015 Moon Troupe
2018: The Sky Is on the Banks of the Red River / Citrus Breeze (Cosmos), Urhi Shalma
2017: Wind Over Yamatai-koku / Santé!! (Flower), Himikuko
2016: FALSTAFF (Moon - Bow Hall), Falstaff (lead role)
2016: Die Fledermaus / THE ENTERTAINER! (Star), Prince Orlofsky
2015-16: Manon / Golden Jazz, Guillaume Veron
2015: 1789: The Lovers of Bastille, Lazare
2015: Gone With the Wind (Chunichi), Doctor Mead
2014: PUCK / Crystal Takarazuka, Oberon
2014: Takarazuka Dance / Guide to the Future / Takarazuka Flower Poems 100!! (Hakataza), Sergei
2014: Takarazuka Dance / Guide to the Future / Takarazuka Flower Poems 100!!, Sergei
2014: Gone With the Wind (Umeda Arts), Doctor Mead
2013: The Merry Widow (Drama City / Nippon Seinenkan), Baron Mirko Zeta
2013: Arsene Lupin / Fantastic Energy, Justin Ganimard
2013: Me and My Girl (Umeda Arts), Cedric Parchester, Charles Hethersett
2013: The Rose of Versailles: Oscar and Andre, Alain
2012: Too Short a Time to Fall in Love / Heat on Beat (National Tour), Marshal Wendsworth
2012: Romeo & Juliette, Benvolio
2012: Edward VIII / Misty Station, Ernest Simpson
2011: Alice's Lover (Bow Hall / Nippon Seinenkan), Nightmare
2011: The Man from Algiers / Dance Romanesque, Minister Michelieu
2011: Prince of the Land of Roses / ONE, The Eldest Daughter
2010-11: Studio 54 (Drama City / Nippon Seinenkan), Langley Meyer
2010: The Gypsy Baron / Rhapsodic Moon, István
2010: The Scarlet Pimpernel, Sir Andrew Ffoulkes
2010: Yukariko / Heat On Beat! (Chunichi), Amano-geki
2009: Last Play / Heat on Beat!, Aloys / Laurence (substituting for Aoki Izumi)
2009: Elisabeth, Schwarzenberg
2008-09: Yume no Ukihashi / Apasionado!! (Moon 2008-09), Saishou no Chuujo
2008: Me and My Girl (Hakataza), Parchester
2008: Me and My Girl
2008: The Tales of Hoffmann, Schlémil, Andrès, Frantz, Cochenille / Demon, Lindorf, Dr. Miracle, Coppélius, Dapertutto
2007: Mahoroba / A Magician's Misfortunes, Szkharosi
2007: Osaka Samurai, Amano Genba
2007: Higher Than the Sky of Paris / Fancy Dance, Raymond
2006: Akanesasu Murasakino Hana / Les Bijoux Brillants (Moon 2006) (National Tour), Saeki no Murajikomaro
2006: Rome at Dawn / Les Bijoux Brillants, Gaius Casca
2006: Akanesasu Murasakino Hana / Revue of Dreams (Moon 2006) (Chunichi), Katsuragiwakainikai no Murajiamita
2005: Jazzy Fairies / Revue of Dreams, policeman
2005: Elisabeth, Black Angel
2004: Tropical Night Talks
2004: The Glow of Sunset in Asuka / Takarazuka Splendor II, Abe no Kurahashimaro
2004: Beloved, Michael
2003-04: Seal of Roses
2003: Takarazuka's Floral Diary / Senor Don Juan
2003: At the End of A Long Spring / With a Song in My Heart (Chunichi)
2002: At the End of A Long Spring / With a Song in My Heart
2002: Sarang Love / Jazzmania (National Tour)
2002: Guys and Dolls
2001: Great Pirates / Jazzmania (national tour)
2001: Great Pirates / Jazzmania
2001: Now the Violets are Blooming / Liebessonate (Grand Theater)
2001: Liebessonate / ESP!!
2001: Now the Violets are Blooming / Liebessonate (Tokyo)
2000: Prisoner of Zenda / Jazzmania, Nobleman, Soldier / Black Rockette
2000: Golden Pharaoh / Miracat (Grand Theater), Crazy Cat, Paris Cat, Miracat
2000: Lived in A Dream / The Beauties!
2007: Higher than the Sky of Paris, Gustave Eiffel
2006: Rome at Dawn, Caesar (lead role)
2005: Jazzy Fairies, Dan McGovern
2005: Elisabeth, Elemer Batthyany, Voice of the Judge
2004: The Glow of Sunset in Asuka, Soga no Emishi
2003-04: Seal of Roses, Klaus
2003: Senor Don Juan, Floor Manager
2002: At the End of a Long Spring
2002: Guys and Dolls, Jerry
2001: Great Pirates
2001: Liebessonate, Doctor
2000: Prisoner of Zenda
2000: Golden Pharaoh
2017: Masquerade (Dinner Show)
2016: Takarazuka Special 2016 ~Music Succession to Next~
2015: Takarazuka Special 2015 - New Century, Next Dream
2015: Flügel (Dinner Show)
2014: Takarazuka Special 2014 -Thank you for 100 years-~
2012: Takarazuka Special 2012 - The Stars ~Pre- Pre- Centennial~
2011: Takarazuka Special 2011 - Dreams Built on Tomorrow
2009: The Road to 100 Years - Kageki 1000th Issue Commemoration Special
2008: Takarazuka Special 2008 - La Festa!
2008: Me and My Girl Eve Festivities
2007: TCA Special 2007 - 'Allo! Revue!
2007: Pure, Proper, Beautiful
2006: Dream Memorandum
2006: Tsukigumi Encourage Concert
2005: 46th Takarazuka Buyoukai
2005: R・Hatter
2003: 44th Takarazuka Buyoukai
2003: Lica-Rika / L.R. (Shibuki Jun Concert)
2002: Revue Anniversary
2002: Itsuou Day Takarazuka Special Homecoming
2002: Guys and Dolls Eve Festivities
2001: Itsuou Day Takarazuka Special Homecoming
- Has an American father and a Japanese mother, and grew up in both America and Japan as a child. Her nickname Magee comes from her father's last name.
- Attended elementary school in California.
- Featured in New Generation. Q&A Translation
- On 09/25/2018, she announced on her blog that she got married on her birthday (07/19/2018).