Mihou Aya


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Picture Credit: yaomeis | 2006 Young Star Guide: Musumeyaku Edition

Standard Profile Information

Name: Mihou Aya
Kanji: 美鳳 あや
Current Troupe:
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Mippou
Real Name: 森本文 (Morimoto Aya)
Height: 158 cm
Birthday: February 23, 1980
Blood Type: O
Hometown: Shisou, Hyogo-ken
Favorite Food: Karaage (fried meat)
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors: White, beige, pink
Hobbies: Movies
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: Thought of it with her family
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:

Debut: 1999 (85th Class) Nova Bossa Nova
Troupe History:
1999 - 2010 Moon Troupe


2010: The Gypsy Baron / Rhapsodic Moon, Czipra
2010: The Scarlet Pimpernel, Jeanne
2010: Yukariko / Heat On Beat! (Chunichi), Ofuji
2009: Last Play / Heat on Beat!, Ginger
2009: Elisabeth, Duchess Ludovika
2008-09: Floating Bridge of Dreams / Apasionado!!, Dainagon no Kimi
2008: Me and My Girl (Hakataza), Mrs. Brown
2008: Me and My Girl, Mrs. Brown
2008: The Tales of Hoffmann (Bow Hall), Olympia, Muse / Giulietta (rotating musumeyaku lead)
2007: Mahoroba / A Magician's Misfortunes, Newspaper Reporter
2007: Love at Dal Lake (National Tour), Michelle
2007: Higher Than the Sky of Paris / Fancy Dance, Blanche
2006: Oklahoma! (Nissay), Gertie Cummings
2006: Rome at Dawn / Les Bijoux Brillants, Egyptian Dancer
2006: Young Bloods!! -Sparkling Moon- (Bow Hall), Miss Merry
2005: Jazzy Fairies / Revue of Dreams, Maggy
2005: Bourbon Street Blues (Bow Hall), Rosanna
2005: Elisabeth, Court Lady
2004: Beloved (Bow Hall), Reiga
2004: The Glow of Sunset in Asuka / Takarazuka Splendor II, Miyoshino
2003-04: Seal of Roses, Mireille
2003: Bridge of Tears, Bridge of Smiles (Bow Hall), O-Hisa
2003: Takarazuka's Floral Diaries / Senor Don Juan
2003: Haru Futatabi / Koitengu (Moon 2003) (Bow Hall), Village Woman, Oyae (musumeyaku lead)
2002: Sarang Love / Jazzmania (national tour), Kim Hong-Leong
2002: At the End of A Long Spring / With a Song in My Heart
2002: Guys and Dolls
2001: Great Pirates/Jazzmania (national tour), Seagull
2001: Blood and Sand (Bow Hall), Franchesca
2001: Great Pirates/Jazzmania, Hannah
2001: Liebessonate / ESP!!
2001: Practical Joke (Drama City)
2001: Now the Violets are Blooming / Liebessonate
2000: Prisoner of Zenda / Jazzmania
2000: Luna / Blue Moon Blue
1999: Orpheus in Spiral / Nova Bossa Nova (Moon, 1999) (Grand Theater)
1999: Meet Again / Nova Bossa Nova (Snow)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

2005: Jazzy Fairies, Toro
2005: Elisabeth, Duchess Ludovika
2004: The Glow of Sunset in Asuka, Abiko
2003: Senor Don Juan, Kim
2002: At the End of a Long Spring
2002: Guys and Dolls, Cabana Woman S
2001: Great Pirates
2001: Liebessonate (Takarazuka), Child Sophie
2001: Liebessonate (Tokyo), Child Sophie
2000: Prisoner of Zenda
2000: Luna, Eve
1999: Nova Bossa Nova (Grand Theater)
1999: Nova Bossa Nova

Special Performances

2000: Takarazuka: Snow, Moon, Flower / Sunrise Takarazuka (Berlin)

Concerts / Dinner Shows / Specials

2009: The Road to 100 Years - Kageki 1000th Issue Commemoration Special
2009: GLITTER (Ryouga Haruhi Dinner Show)
2007: Pure, Proper, Beautiful
2006: Dream Memorandum
2005: Golden Steps
2004: SENA! (Sena Jun Concert)
2004: "My Sweet Memory"(Emi Kurara Musical Salon)
2001: Selfish (Oozora Yuuhi Dinner Show)

After Takarazuka

2014: SHOW-ism VII Pittoresque (with Ayaki Nao and Kazahana Mai)
2013: My Fair Lady
2013: Dream, a Dream: Takarazuka WAY TO 100th ANNIVERSARY FINAL
2012: Elizabeth Special Gala Concert (2012)
2012: Rudolph (With Kazune Miou, Ootsuki Sayu, Maishiro Nodoka, and Mochizuki Rise)
2012: Dancin' Crazy 2 (OG Performance)
2012: Danceria
2011: ALive II Sena Jun concert, with Ootsuki Sayu and Maishiro Nodoka


Created by bunretsu. Last Modification: Wednesday 10 of July, 2024 21:15:52 GMT-0000 by yaomeis.
