Asamine Hikari

Picture Credit: Caithion / 2003 Otome
Name: Asamine Hikari
Kanji: 朝峰 ひかり
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku → Musumeyaku
Status: retired
Nickname: Kin, Kin-chan Bando, San
Real Name: 林美佐子 (Hayashi Misako)
Height: 162 cm
Birthday: Oct. 3rd
Blood Type: AB
Hometown: South District, Osaka
Favorite Food: Takoyaki, sponge cake
Favorite Flower: Sunflower, cosmos
Favorite Colors: Navy, pink, red
Hobbies: Travel
Collections: Anna Sui things
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: From her surname
Favorite Role: Bozena from Prague Spring
Would Like to Try Playing: Uno no Sarara no Himemiko
Debut: 1990 (76th Class) The Rose of Versailles -Fersen-
Troupe History:
1991 - 2009 Star Troupe
2009: My Dear New Orleans / A Bientôt, Flora
2008: The Rose of Versailles -Bernard- / Neo Dandyism! III (national tour), Lady Calonne
2008: The Scarlet Pimpernel, Jeanne
2008: Anna Karenina (Bow Hall), Anyeshka
2007-08: El Halcon / Revue Orchis, Adeline
2007: Secret Hunter/Neo Dandyism! II (Hakataza), Isabella
2007: Sakura / Secret Hunter, Isabella
2007: Hallelujah Go! Go! (Bow Hall), Gloria Connor
2006: Too Short a Time to Fall in Love / Neo-Dandyism!, Electra Caramandis
2006: Copacabana (Umeda Arts)
2006: Rose of Versailles: Fersen and Marie-Antoinette, Countess Lambesque
2005: The Dragon Star (Drama City), Empress
2005: Shigure Hill Road in Nagasaki / Soul of Shiva!!, Gyokuran
2005: Still the Ship Sails (Bow Hall), Linda Bowman
2004: Ch'Ang-an: Full of Swirling Flowers / Romantica Takarazuka '04, Suiki
2004: Ch'Ang-an: Full of Swirling Flowers / Romantica Takarazuka '04 (Hakataza), Suiki
2004: A Love Story in 1914 / Takarazuka Splendor, Archduchess Russia
2003: A Song For Kingdoms, Lady Itonen
2003: Eternal Prayer (Bow Hall), Felicity
2003: Singin' In the Rain (Nissay), Nanette
2002-03: The Glassy Landscape / Babylon, Mrs. Sturm
2002: Winter Garten (Bow Hall), Sofia Link
2002: The Prague Spring / Lucky Star!, Bozena
2002: Revolt of a Gallant Poet / Southern Cross Revue II (Chunichi), Naishi no Kami
2001: Revolt of a Gallant Poet / Southern Cross Revue II (Tokyo), Naishi no Kami
2001: The Rose of Versailles, court lady
2001: Revolt of a Gallant Poet / Dreams Fly Around the World, Ariko
2000: Golden Pharaoh / Miracat (National Tour), Meui
2000: Golden Pharaoh / Miracat, Eira
2000: Profile of a Saint (Bow Hall), Ada
1999-00: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / Great Century, Ranka
1999: West Side Story
1998: Emperor / Hemingway Revue
1998: Lure of the Icon (Bow Hall), Cacha
1997-98: Elegy (Bow Hall), Agnes
1997-98: Love at Dal Lake
1997: The Spirit of the Samurai / Fascination II
1996-97: Elisabeth
1996: Who is Bad? / Passion Blue
1996: The Story of a Sword, Love, and a Rainbow / Jubilation! (National Tour)
1995-96: The Story Of a Sword, Love, and a Rainbow / Jubilation!, Bertrand
1995: I Won't Forget the Young Day's Song / Jump Orient! (Chunichi)
1995: A Map Without Borders
1994-95: Burning Wings of Love (Bow Hall/Nippon Seinenkan)
1994: Casanova, Memento of a Dream / La Cantata!
1994: Wakaki Hi no Uta wa Wasureji / Jump Orient!
1993-94: La Tormenta (Bow Hall)
1993: Mayerling / Papalagi
1993: Houjushou / Parfum de Paris
1992-93: Hello, George! (Bow Hall)
1992: Legend of the Midnight Sun / One Night Mirage
1991-92: Sunset of the Forbidden City
1991: Portraits of Lovers / Narcisse Noir
1991: The Apollon Mystery / Jesus Diamante (Tokyo)
1996-97: Elisabeth
1996: Who Is Bad?, Romero
1995-96: The Story Of a Sword, Love, and a Rainbow, Ragueneau
1995: A Map Without Borders
1994: Casanova, Memento of a Dream, Valvi
1994: I Won't Forget the Young Day's Song, Koyanagi Jinbei
1993: Mayerling
1993: Parfum de Paris
1992: Legend of the Midnight Sun
1991-92: Sunset of the Forbidden City
1991: Portraits of Lovers
1991: The Apollon Mystery (Tokyo)
2007: 48th Takarazuka Buyoukai
2007: Pure, Proper, Beautiful
2006: Dream Memorandum
2005: Golden Steps
2000: Paris Festival 2000
1999: Revue Special '99
1998: Revue Special '98
1991: First Takarazuka Kyougen Club
- Originally an otokoyaku; switched to musumeyaku in 1996/1997.