Sawaki Rizu


Image Image

Picture Credit: GRAPH Aug. 2009 | Algiers no Otoko program book

Standard Profile Information

Name: Sawaki Rizu
Kanji: 沢希 理寿
Current Troupe:
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Yossiy, Rizu
Real Name: 吉澤順子 (Yoshizawa Junko)
Height: 167 cm
Birthday: Nov. 10th
Blood Type: B
Hometown: Tokyo
Favorite Food: Stews, stew with pork, cafe ole
Favorite Flower: Margaret
Favorite Colors: Baby-blue, black, beige
Hobbies: Travel
Collections: Scented waters, necklaces
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: Thought of it with her parents.
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:

Debut: 2003 (89th Class) Takarazuka Floral Diary
Troupe History:
2003 - 2012 Moon Troupe


2012: Edward VIII / Misty Station, Martin Poulsen
2011: Alice's Lover (Bow Hall / Nippon Seinenkan), Ace
2011: The Man from Algiers / Dance Romanesque, Charles
2011: Prince of the Land of Roses / ONE, Blue Jay
2010-11: Studio 54 (Drama City / Nippon Seinenkan), Wright Hope
2010: The Gypsy Baron / Rhapsodic
2010: The Scarlet Pimpernel, Isabelle
2010: Hamlet!! (Bow Hall / Nippon Seinenkan), Gonzago
2009: Last Play / Heat on Beat!
2009: Elisabeth, Madame Wolf
2008-09: Floating Bridge of Dreams / Apasionado!!
2008: The Great Gatsby (Nissay Theater), Singer of Recuerdo
2008: Me and My Girl
2007: Mahoroba / A Magician's Misfortunes
2007: Love at Dal Lake (National Tour)
2007: Higher Than the Sky of Paris / Fancy Dance
2006: Oklahoma! (Nissay Theater), Tom
2006: Rome at Dawn / Les Bijoux Brilliants
2006: Yearning For My Husband (Bow Hall), Takafusa as a boy
2005: Jazzy Fairies / Revue of Dreams
2005: Bourbon Street Blues (Bow Hall), Taylor / Billy
2005: Elisabeth
2004: The Glow of Sunset in Asuka / Takarazuka Splendor II
2004: Beloved (Bow Hall/Nippon Seinenkan), Gorges
2003-04: Seal of Roses
2003: Takarazuka Floral Diaries / Senor Don Juan

Shinjin Kouen Roles

2009: Last Play, Ebony
2009: Elisabeth
2008-09: Yume no Ukihashi, Shi no Miya
2008: Me and My Girl, Lord Battersby
2007: A Magician's Misfortunes
2007: Higher than the Sky of Paris, Mertou
2006: Rome at Dawn, Nazo
2005: Jazzy Fairies, James
2005: Elisabeth, Black Angel
2004: The Glow of Sunset in Asuka, Nakatomishioya no Murajihirafu
2003-04: Seal of Roses
2003: Senor Don Juan

Concerts / Dinner Shows / Specials

2009: Second Magnolia Concert du Takarazuka
2009: GLITTER (Ryouga Haruhi Dinner Show)
2008: 49th Takarazuka Buyoukai
2007: Pure, Proper, Beautiful
2006: Dream Memorandum
2006: Tsukigumi Encourage Concert

After Takarazuka

2014: Little Women (by Imagine Musical) (as Louise May Alcott)
2012: Duet (They're Playing Our Song) (as one of the Inner Voices)
2012: Sawaki Rizu Chanson Live
2012: Heart to Heart: Ayahoshi Rion First Solo Concert, special guest


  • Her blog
  • In 2015 was awarded the Prix Cerises from the Japan Chanson Association in the Outstanding Rookie category.

Created by caithion. Last Modification: Sunday 07 of February, 2021 16:06:47 GMT-0000 by caithion.
