Natsuki Reo



Picture Credit: The Takarazuka III: Moon Troupe

Standard Profile Information

Name: Natsuki Reo
Kanji: 夏輝 れお
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Reo
Height: 168 cm
Birthday: January 30
Blood Type: A
Hometown: Setagaya, Tokyo
Favorite Food: Starbucks coffee
Favorite Flower: rose, baby's breath
Favorite Colors: beige
Collections: items from Burberry
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: thought of it with her family
Favorite Role: Crosby from Guys and Dolls
Would Like to Try Playing: Young Rudolf from Elisabeth

Debut: 2000 (86th Class) Lived in a Dream
Troupe History:
2000 - 2004 Moon Troupe


2004: The Glow of Sunset in Asuka / Takarazuka Splendor II, Haji no Murajisaba
2004: Javanese Dancer (national tour), Sukiman
2003-04: Seal of Roses
2003: Bridge of Tears, Bridge of Smiles (Bow Hall / Nippon Seinenkan), Yotarou
2003: Takarazuka's Floral Diaries -Spring Dances- / Senor Don Juan
2003: Spring Again / Love Goblin (Bow Workshop), Santa / Gonshichi
2002: At the End of a Long Spring / With a Song in My Heart
2002: Slapstick (Bow Hall / Nippon Seinenkan)
2002: Guys and Dolls, Crosby
2001: Blood and Sand (Bow Hall), Detective Lopez
2001: Great Pirates / JazzMania
2001: Liebessonate / ESP!!
2001: Practical Joke (Drama City Akasaka ACT)
2001: Now the Violets are Blooming / Liebessonate
2000: Prisoner of Zenda / Jazzmania
2000: Golden Pharaoh / Miracat

Shinjin Kouen Roles

2004: The Glow of Sunset in Asuka, Karatsu
2003-04: Seal of Roses, Cabinet Minister 2
2003: Senor Don Juan, Front Desk Manager
2002: At the End of a Long Spring
2002: Guys and Dolls, Cabana Man S
2001: Great Pirates
2001: Liebessonate (Takarazuka), Ochs' Retinue
2001: Liebessonate (Tokyo), Ochs' Retinue
2000: Prisoner of Zenda

Concerts / Dinner Shows

2004: SENA! (Sena Jun Concert)


None yet.

Created by lokai. Last Modification: Friday 05 of February, 2021 00:51:36 GMT-0000 by caithion.
