Takarazuka Expo '70: Flower of Takarazuka / Hello! Takarazuka

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Show Information
English Title: Takarazuka Expo '70: Flower of Takarazuka / Hello! Takarazuka
Japanese Title: タカラヅカEXPO’70: 四季の踊り絵巻 / ハロー!タカラヅカ
Romanized Title: Takarazuka Expo '70: Shiki no Odori Emaki / Haroo! Takarazuka

Troupe: Snow
Year: 1970
Performances: Takarazuka Grand Theater, 03/14 - 04/14
Shinjin Kouen Performances: n/a

Flower of Takarazuka:

Based On:
Author: Takarazuka Revue Company (Director's group)
Director: Suganuma Jun, Yokozawa Hideo
Composer: Nakamoto Kiyozumi, Totoki Kazuo, Takai Yoshizumi, Yoshizaki Kenji, Kuzuhara Yusen
Choreographer: Watanabe Takeo, Kita Hiroshi, Hanayagi Juraku, Fujima Kanjuurou, Matsumoto Shoume
Conductor (Takarazuka): Mizoguchi Takashi
Conductor (Tokyo): (See August Tokyo Theater page)

Hello! Takarazuka:

Based On:
Author/Director: Kamogawa Seisaku
Composer: Nakai Mitsuharu, Irie Kaoru, Terada Takio
Choreographer: Oka Masami, Kita Hiroshi, Agata Youji, Akiko Kanda, Urabe Hisao
Conductor (Takarazuka): Matsunaga Koushi
Conductor (Tokyo): (See August Tokyo Theater page)

Available on DVD: No
Available on Blu-Ray: No
DVD Scene/Music Cuts: n/a


See below in summary for main roles.

Other Cast (not listed below): Soga Keiko, Oka Chiaki, Hinoki Masaru, Kusunoki Kaori, Nozomi Yukari, Seto Chihiro, Kari Wataru, Shizu Misaki, Niizuki Chitose, Aoba Mitsuru, Ura Hiromi, Hibiki Wataru, Hitomoto Miki, Natsu Akemi, Momo Chikage, Sakura Keiko, Asaki Kozue, Chibana Sachiyo, Hama Chihiro, Nasu Mikage, Mari Tatsumi, Takane Miki, Jun Mitsuki, Tamazusa Maki, Shou Sumire, Katase Chiho, Mizuho Mari, Yashiro Kou, Kou Hizuru, Shirakawa Kaoru, Natsu Teruko, Kamijou Akira, Taki Chinami, Takadono Noboru, Maria Seiko, Hamana Hiromi, Shouji Michiru, Tama Kazumi, Aisen Yurie

Ken-2: Minami Yutaka, Toryuu Sakae, Waka Inori, Watari Chihiro, Yoshibue Mitsuru, Niigusa Moe, Iku Masato, Tsukishiro Chiharu, Mafune Yutaka, Nagazuki Michiru, Hoshina Sawako, Yamato Natsuki, Watari Keiko



Flower of Takarazuka

(Scene descriptions based on Tokyo English-language program. Grand Theater performers based on Japanese-language program on Takarazuka Forever - used with permission)

Scene 1. Cherry Ondo

A set of lanterns all over the entire length and breadth of the stage. The Cherry Girls dance gaily and merrily.

Tayuu - Ooji Michio
Sakura Singer - Oohara Masumi

Scene 2. A Flower Garden - Takarazuka

The "Home of Hearts", "Cherry Ondo" etc shall be sung by Wakashu (Youngsters) and Musume (Girls).

Sambaso 1 - Amatsu Otome
Sambaso 2 - Kasugano Yachiyo
Sambaso 3 - Maho Shibuki
Wakashu (Singer) 1 - Kamiyo Nishiki
Wakashu (Singer) 2 - Asadori Chiho

Scene 3. Cherry Blossoms Bloomed

70 debutantes dressed in the Maiko style or typical Japanese dancers' style dance. (The days when all hatsubutaisei appeared were March 14-16, 18, 26, and April 8, 13-14.)

Tayuu - Ooji Michio
Hatsubutaisei - Akane Chika, Hanabusa Rie, Kaori Mayu, Masaki Keiko, Mizusato Yutaka, Ran Hideki, Sou Kinrei, Akashi Jun, Harumiya Eri, Katori Aki, Matsukata Rika, Musashino Michiyo, Sai Gyokuren, Sumi Natsuko, Aki Tsuyuji, Hata Arisa, Katsu Sachiyo, Mayu Akari, Nao Honoka, Satomi Akira, Taka Hiroki, Asakaze Kaoru, Hide Natsuki, Kijou Tomoka, Mihara Machiko, Natsukawa Rumi, Sei Renka, Takara Junko, Asami Rei, Houjou Yukari, Kizuki Miho, Miki Hiromi, Natsuki Masa, Sen Kaoru, Uryuu Minako, Azuma Chiaki, Hoshi Subaru, Komakusa Ayumi, Mimi Harumi, Nazuru Hitomi, Shiga Midori, Uzuki Chika, Ban Akira, Izumi Mari, Kozato Natsu, Minase Kyou, Nanaumi Mihoko, Shige Takumi, Waka Chitose, Emi Hiroki, Jou Haruki, Kuni Chihiro, Mio Marina, Nanjou Miki, Shima Yuri, Wakazuki Kaoru, Fuji Kyouko, Juri Misa, Kunizuki Miki, Mitake Eri, Oka Sayuri, Shimizu Akira, Yamana Yuka, Hana Karen, Kana Kasumi, Mario Sachi, Mizuki Ai, Oouchi Shigeru, Shino Uyuki, Yuuki Kanae

Scene 4. A Fantasy of Cherry Flowers

The courtier of cherry flowers makes tea under the falling cherry blossoms and dances most elegantly.

Courtier - Kasugano Yachiyo
Sakura Singer - Oohara Masumi

Scene 5 - 6. Festival

A man of festival sings one folk song after another in a fashion of medley. Then, two couples of men and girls appear on the stage and dance "Fukagawa".

A man of festival - Maho Shibuki
Singer (Man) - Maki Misao
Singer (Man) - Migiwa Natsuko
Geisha - Ooji Michio
Geisha - Aya Yutaka

Scene 7. The Awa Odori Dance

A large number of men and girls join gaily in the Awa Odori.

Singer (Man) - Migiwa Natsuko
Samisen Woman - Hayama Michiko

Scene 8. The Drum of Japan

Centering round the noted Suwa-Daiko (or the Drums of Suwa), a number of Japanese traditional popular annual events drums are used, are unfurled.

Taiko Drummer 1 - Maho Shibuki
Taiko Drummer 2 - Asadori Chiho
Singer (Man) - Migiwa Natsuko

Scene 9. A Music of Autumn

In front of a gold studded folding screen, Geisha and Maiko dance to the tun of Jiuta (Ballad).

Geisha - Mitaka Keiko, Matsumoto Yuri, Jou Hiroe
Maiko - Hayama Michiko, Katsu Youko, Nanaura Kyouko, Mai Chizuru, Maya Akemi, Tamaho Yukari

Scene 10. A Banquet of Chrysanthemum

With a Shojo (Orang-outan) in the center, a banquet is held with the participation of a girl of chrysanthemum and young men (Doji).

Shojo - Amatsu Otome
Young man - Asadori Chiho
Solo Singer - Oohara Masumi

Scene 11. Miyajima in Autumn

70 maiko dance around the Itsukushima Shrine Shrine.

56th Class.

Scene 12. Japanese Toys

A dancer of the nursing doll appears on the stage and shows a number of merry dances on the theme of toys.

Dolls - Hayama Michiko, Kishi Kaori, Masumi Noriko

Scene 13. General Winter

A modern ballet symbolical of the subtleties of the traditional Japanese calligraphy. On both soles of a giant inkstone, the General Winter (dancer of lion writing brush) and dances of paper dance. Lastly, the letters of Harukaze (meaning the spring breeze) appears on the dresses of the dancers of paper.

General Winter - Kamiyo Nishiki

Scene 14. Four Seasons

A medley of famous Takarazuka songs amidst the cherry blossoms.

Singer - Maho Shibuki, Asadori Chiho

Scene 15. Takarazuka - The Home of Hearts

A gala total dance by all the members of the staff.

Bolero Dancers - Amatsu Otome, Kasugano Yachiyo, Maho Shibuki
Singer - Asadori Chiho

Hello! Takarazuka

Scene 1. Prologue A

A man shows up on the stage and sings the theme song "Hello! Takarazuka"

Singer - Maho Shibuki

Scene 2. Prologue B

A set of a large staircase. A singing man appears on the stage and sings the theme song "Hello, Takarasiennes!"

Singer - Asadori Chiho

Scene 3. Prologue C

The younger stars, while singing, display a brilliant parade. The music changes to the theme song "I Love Takarazuka!".

Singers - Asadori Chiho, Maho Shibuki
Dancing Woman (Solo) - Shijou Hideko

Scene 4. Prologue D

A rocket by 70 debutants.

56th Class.

Scene 5 - 6. Love in Takarazuka

A romantic scene where, with Shibuki Maho as the central figure, the techniques of love between men and girls are depicted comically of Takarazuka.

Playboy - Maho Shibuki
Beauty - Asadori Chiho
Youth - Maki Misao
Enchantress - Shijou Hideko
Charming Woman - Ooji Michio
Heroine - Kishi Kaori

Scene 7-9. Fantasy

A set filled with white stones. A fantastic dance is unfurled to the tune of Spanish Music.

Singer - Asadori Chiho
Woman - Maki Misao
Man - Maho Shibuki

Scene 10 - 14. The Revue of Takarazuka

A golden glittering carriage is lifted up on the stage out of the cellar and a girl of toe (ballerina?) appears and dances. Then, one singer after another shows up and sings songs related to the dancing and the frolic dances are unfurled. Finally, the stage turns into a large staircase, where all the dances wearing a manteau join a chorus on a large scale.

Singer (Man) - Maki Misao
Singer (Girls) - Takamiya Sachi, Aya Yutaka
Singer (Men) - Maho Shibuki, Asadori Chiho
Dancer (Women) - Mitaka Keiko, Konohana Sakuya, Mitaka Yuuko
Dancer (Men) - Aya Yutaka, Migiwa Natsuko

Scene 15 - 18. Bravo Takarazuka!

In response to the encore, three numbers of the renowned shows; "Banana Boat in Cuba", "Coconut Woman", and "Voodoo in Haiti" being picked up out of the renowned show "Xango" are to be enjoyed by the audience.

Singer - Maki Misao, Maho Shibuki

Scene 19 - 21. Rhythm in Takarazuka

A collection of new musical scores. A scene of youngish vigor full of "heat".

Dancer - Maho Shibuki
Singers - Asadori Chiho, Maki Misao, Aya Yutaka, Migiwa Natsuko, Takamiya Sachi

Scene 22-23. Finale

A varied set by making use of the big staircase. A brilliant finale is shown, and a group of Takarasienne sing and dance.

Other Information


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Created by caithion. Last Modification: Friday 11 of September, 2020 23:47:10 GMT-0000 by caithion.
