Masaki Keiko


Image Image

Picture Credit: GRAPH May 1978 | "The Rose of Versailles" Book 1989 - by Kavo

Standard Profile Information

Name: Masaki Keiko
Kanji: 真咲 佳子
Current Troupe:
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Koya
Height: 163 cm
Birthday: Aug. 7th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Ikeda, Osaka
Favorite Food: Japanese sweets
Favorite Flower: White flowers, sun flowers
Favorite Colors: White, blue
Hobbies: Reading
Collections: Accessories
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: From her real name
Favorite Role: Okita Souji from the "Man of Starlight" shinko
Would Like to Try Playing: A comedic role

Debut: 1970 (56th Class) Takarazuka Expo '70: Flower of Takarazuka / Hello! Takarazuka
Troupe History:
1971 - 1991 Snow Troupe


1991: The Great Gatsby / Lovers' Concerto, Elizabeth Fay
1991: Spotlight Magic (Bow Hall), Herode
1991: Kagenshou / Saburomaru and His Comrades / Sweet Typhoon
1991: Rose of Versailles -Oscar and Andre- (National Tour), Countess de Polignac
1990: The Castle Tower Enveloped in the Smell of Flowers / Bright Delight Time (National Tour), Sawa
1990: Dusk-Colored Half Moon / Paradise Tropicana, Joe/The Angel Michael
1990: The Castle Tower Enveloped in the Smell of Flowers / Bright Delight Time, Sawa
1989: Book of Lingering Memories (Nippon Seinenkan), Arashi Sanemon
1989: Rose of Versailles -Andre and Oscar-, Lady Orleans
1989: Chronicles of Tamayura / Dynamo! (National Tour)
1989: Monsieur du Paris / La Passion!, Robinet
1988: Chronicles of Tamayura / Dynamo!, Empress Genshou
1988: The Legend of Ōeyama / The Revuescope (National Tour), Minamoto no Raikou
1988: Gone with the Wind, Mrs. Elsing
1987: Pear Blossoms - Dancing in the Palace / The Revuescope, Ahmad
1987: Takarazuka Dance Eulogy / The Red Rose of Samarkand, Superintendent General of the Metropolitan Police
1986-87: Show Boat (Bow Hall / Kani Hoken Hall / Chuunichi Theater), Sheriff Varon
1986: Three Waltzes, Colonel Schwarzenegg / Director
1986: Kaleidoscope of Love / And Now! (National Tour), Sonia
1986: The Legend of Ōeyama / Sky High Sky, Tenryuu
1985: Spreading Golden Wings / Full Beat (National Tour)
1985: Kaleidoscope of Love / And Now!, Johann
1985: Flower Fantasies / Spreading Golden Wings, Count Alberto
1984: Love and Fire / Full Beat, Yasuke
1984: Love's Flight III -Chanson d'Amour- (Bow Hall)
1984: Gone With the Wind, Georgie
1983: Mayerling / Happy Ending Story, Szeps
1983: Blue Jasmine -Desert Love- / Happy Ending Story, Muhammad
1983: Mayerling / Grand Elegance, Szeps
1982-83: Lily in Love / Golden Dream
1982: Love's Flight II (Bow Hall)
1982: Javanese Dancer, Guntur
1981-82: Fly Up, Young Seagulls / Sun Orient Sun, Maki Jurobee
1981: Wandering Requiem (National Tour)
1981: Wandering Requiem, Merope
1981: Love Exclusive (Bow Hall), Ernest
1980-81: Flowery Dance Rhythm / Mars of the Blue Rose ~Angelique II~, Claude
1980: Crazy Breath of Air (Bow Hall)
1980: For the Sake of Distant You, Alfonso
1980: Rose of Versailles (National Tour), Bernard
1979: The One Who Disappeared into the Morning Mist / Ol'man River, Okano Kinuemon
1979: The Spring Breeze's Invitation / Hello! Holiday, Adolf
1978: The Takarazuka (South American Tour)
1978: Johnny On the Hill / Sensation! (Grand Theater), Dick
1978: Gone With the Wind, northern major
1977: Akanesasu Murasaki no Hana, Amano Inukai no Murajikatsumaro
1977: Nightingale Song of Spring / Manhattan Rag
1976: Hoshikage no Hito / Non, Non, Non, Nagakura Shinpachi
1976: Poem of the White Heron / Monsieur Papillon
1976: The Rose of Versailles -Andre & Oscar- (Tokyo)
1975-76: The Takarazuka: Fantasy Takarazuka / Beat on Takarazuka (European Tour)
1975: Burning in Firenze / Bon Balance, Sergio
1975: Burning in Firenze / The Star -Goodbye Maho Shibuki-, Sergio
1974: Scarlet Camellia, Blooming in the Snow / Funky Jump
1974: Bamboo / Romance Romantique (National Tour)
1974: Young Lion, Shake Your Mane / Inspiration
1974: Bridegroom Contest / Romance Romantique
1974: Bamboo / The Love Robbers (Shinjuku Koma)
1973: Growing Up / The Love Robbers
1973: Bamboo / Cante Grande
1973: Spring Again / Sunrise Again (Fukuoka Sports Center)
1973: Falling Cherry Blossoms / Rhapsody in Love, Otohiko (Cast B)
1973: Chinese Milk Vetch / Rhapsody in Love
1972: Melody of Falling Leaves / Nova Bossa Nova, Masukichi / Pierrot
1972: Kagura / The Flower (Snow/Star)
1972: Town of Shooting Stars / June Bride
1972: Kagura / The Flower
1971-72: The Three Little Musketeers of Edo / Sunrise Again
1971: The Youth of Peter I / Nova Bossa Nova
1971: The Youth of Peter I / Joy!
1971: Don Jose I / Time Map (Moon)
1970: Takarazuka Expo '70: Flower of Takarazuka / Hello! Takarazuka (Moon)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

1977: Akanesasu Murasaki no Hana, Amehiko
1977: Nightingale Song of Spring
1976: Hoshikage no Hito, Okita Souji (lead role)
1976: Monsieur Papillon
1976: The Rose of Versailles -Andre & Oscar- (Tokyo)
1975-76: The Rose of Versailles -Andre & Oscar-
1975: Burning in Firenze (Tokyo)
1975: Burning in Firenze (Grand Theater)
1974: Young Lion, Shake Your Mane
1973: Growing Up
1973: Cante Grande
1972: Melody of Falling Leaves
1972: The Flower (Snow/Star)
1972: Town of Shooting Stars

Concerts / Dinner Shows

YEAR: Name of Show


  • Member of the fourth group of Bambies (1970).

Created by caithion. Last Modification: Monday 06 of February, 2023 14:01:56 GMT-0000 by tallae.
