Sei Renka

Picture Credit: Caithion | KAGEKI Nov. 1977 / KAGEKI July 1978
Name: Sei Renka
Kanji: 世 れんか
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku → Musumeyaku
Status: Retired (passed away in 1980)
Nickname: Hamu
Real Name: Harada Kimiko (原田公子)
Height: 163 cm
Birthday: January 30th, 1951
Death: April 3rd, 1980
Blood Type:
Hometown: Tokyo
Favorite Food: tsubozuke, Nozawana tea
Favorite Flower: cherry blossoms
Favorite Colors: white
Hobbies: watching baseball
Collections: programs
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: A love song "Once in a lifetime"
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: An individualistic role
Debut: 1970 (56th Class) Takarazuka Expo '70: Flower of Takarazuka / Hello! Takarazuka
Troupe History:
1974 - 1980 Moon Troupe
1971 - 1974 Snow Troupe
1980: Angelique -A Tale of the Flames of Love- / Masked Ball (Grand Theater), Sara
1979: Valencian Passion / La Belle Takarazuka, Marcos
1979: Love and Seagulls and a Six-mon Coin (Bow Hall), Julia
1979: The Chronicles of Shunshuu / La Belle Takarazuka, Warabe
1979: Haruna Yuri Golden Time (Bow Hall)
1979: Japanese Love Poem / Caribbean Sun
1978: Prince Hayabusawake's Rebellion / Love Message, Prince Chuuhiko / Yatsukaho
1978: Gone With the Wind (national tour), Scarlet II
1978: Marius, Fanny (lead musumeyaku role)
1978: Festival Fantasy / My Lucky Chance, Le Girls
1977-78: My Beloved Marianne / Boy Meets Girl, Elise
1977: Gone With the Wind, Phil Meade
1976: Paper Love Song / Valencian Passion, Antonio
1976: Takarazuka Spring Dance / Fantasy Takarazuka (National Tour)
1976: The Rose of Versailles III
1976: My Love Is My Life (The Red and The Black) / Image (Tokyo)
1975-76: The Takarazuka: Fantasy Takarazuka / Beat on Takarazuka (European Tour)
1975: Spring Takarazuka Dance / L'amour a Paris
1975: Spring Nightingale Song / Loving You
1974: Scarlet Camellia, Blooming in the Snow / Funky Jump
1974: Bamboo / Romance Romantique (National Tour)
1974: Young Lion, Shake Your Mane / Inspiration
1974: Bridegroom Contest / Romance Romantique, Kaminopaanojou
1974: Bamboo / The Love Robbers (Shinjuku Koma)
1973: Growing Up / The Love Robbers
1973: Bamboo / Cante Grande
1973: Spring Again / Sunrise Again (Fukuoka Sports Center)
1973: Chinese Milk Vetch / Rhapsody in Love, Sugisaku
1972: Melody of Falling Leaves / Nova Bossa Nova, Pierrot
1972: Kagura / The Flower (Snow/Star)
1972: Town of Shooting Stars / June Bride
1972: Kagura / The Flower
1971-72: The Three Little Musketeers of Edo / Sunrise Again
1971: The Youth of Peter I / Nova Bossa Nova
1971: The Youth of Peter I / Joy!
1970: Takarazuka Expo '70: Flower of Takarazuka / Hello! Takarazuka (Moon)
1978: My Lucky Chance, Mister Lucky 3
1977-78: My Beloved Marianne
1977: Gone With the Wind, Scarlett O'Hara (musumeyaku lead)
1976: Valencian Passion, Ramon
1976: The Rose of Versailles III
1976: My Love Is My Life (The Red and The Black) (Tokyo)
1975: L'amour a Paris, Pierre
1975: Spring Nightingale Song
1974: Young Lion, Shake Your Mane
1973: Growing Up
1973: Cante Grande
1972: Melody of Falling Leaves
1972: The Flower (Snow/Star)
1972: Town of Shooting Stars
- According to the Japanese Wikipedia, she died just before she was going to retire in 1980 of myeloma (bone cancer).
- Member of the fifth group of Bambies (1971).
- Starred in one of the Hankyu drama TV shows of the 70s: Sorezore no Shuppatsu (1976)
- A book was published about her in 1987: サヨウナラ宝塚 タカラジェンヌ世れんかの短くも華麗な生涯