Sawane Kazuki

Picture Credit: 2006 Otome
Name: Sawane Kazuki
Kanji: 沢音 和希
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Ayano, Ayage
Height: 170cm
Birthday: March 15
Blood Type:
Hometown: Takarazuka, Hyogo Prefecture
Favorite Food: melon, her mother's cooking
Favorite Flower: sweet pea, baby's breath, rose
Favorite Colors: green, black, blue
Hobbies: watching movies, going for a drive, knitting, watching baseball
Collections: earrings, shoes
Special Talent: parallel parking, using a UFO catcher machine
Origin of Stage Name: Thought of it herself.
Favorite Role: Everything from "The Letter That Was Never Sent," Kotani Yoshitsugu from "Sleeping Moon"
Would Like to Try Playing: a villain
Debut: 1998 (84th Class) Citrus Breeze
Troupe History:
1999 - 2006 Snow Troupe
2006: The Rose of Versailles: Oscar, Palace Guard
2005: Silver Wolf / Wonderland, Louis
2005: Milan Wrapped in a Fog / Wonderland, Ansaldi
2005: Sleeping Moon (Drama City), Kotani Yoshitsugu
2004-05: In Quest of the Blue Bird / Takarazuka's Dream Kingdom
2004: A Dream One Day (Drama City), Archie
2004: The Letter That Was Never Sent (Bow Hall), Bulgarin
2003: In the Tender Light of a Fine Spring / Joyful!! (national tour), Yase Douji / Yakuma Douji (substituting for Hiiragi Tomoe) / Usui Sadamitsu (substituting for Kamizuki Akane)
2003: In the Tender Light of a Fine Spring / Joyful!!, Laborer 1
2003: Romance de Paris / Les Collages
2002: Saikai / The Splendor of 1000 Beats 2002 (national tour)
2002: Memories of Barcelona / On the Fifth
2002: Complete Devotion (Drama City)
2001-02: Flaming Love / Rose Garden
2001: Arch of Triumph / Passage (Hakataza)
2001: In Search of El Dorado / Passage
2000: Department Store / Arch of Triumph
1999: Say It Again (Bow Hall)
1999: Meet Again / Nova Bossa Nova
1999: House Amid the Thickets / Ravir (Chunichi)
1998: Emperor / Hemingway Revue
1998: Excalibur / Citrus Breeze (Grand Theater)
2004-05: In Quest of the Blue Bird, Old Ornithomancer
2004: Susano-o, Okina
2003: Romance de Paris, General Fadehl
2003: In the Tender Light of a Fine Spring, Yase Douji
2002: Memories of Barcelona, Robert
2001-02: Flaming Love
2001: In Search of El Dorado, Ookubo Toshimichi
1999-2000: The Man Called Bacchus, Prisoner 2
1999: Nova Bossa Nova
1998: Excalibur (Grand Theater)
1999: Revue Special '99
None yet.