Midori Misa

Picture Credit: Zephy, Nova Bossa Nova / Otome 1976
Name: Midori Misa
Kanji: 碧 美沙
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Toshi-chan, Toshiko
Height: 170 cm
Birthday: April 11
Blood Type:
Hometown: Toyonaka, Osaka
Favorite Food: Japanese cooking
Favorite Flower: roses, gardenia, orchids
Favorite Colors: black, beige, white
Hobbies: traveling, sports
Collections: earrings
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: from the color of the clear ocean and sky
Favorite Role: Every role until now
Would Like to Try Playing: she wants to try anything
Debut: 1965 (51st Class) We Love Flowers
Troupe History:
1965 - 1977 Star Troupe
1976-77: Gypsy of the Setting Sun / Happy Tomorrow, Presiding Judge
1976: The Rose of Versailles III, General Bouillet
1975: The Blue Danube / That's Family
1975: Fairies in the Attic / My High Swing
1974-75: Brigadoon
1974: Beautiful Young Warrior / Funny Feeling (National Tour)
1974: The Man From Algiers / Juju
1974: Purely, Righteously, Beautifully / Yu the Beautiful, Chen Lin
1973: Ukifune and Kaoru-no-Kimi / Golden Sound
1973: For as Long as I Live / Arabesque (National Tour)
1973: This Boundless Love
1973: Two Demons and Princess Kagero / La La Fantastique, Urabe no Suetake
1972-73: Beautiful Young Warrior / Arabesque
1972: Beautiful Japan / Wandering Youth
1972: Someday We'll Meet / Nova Bossa Nova
1972: Someday We'll Meet / Concerto of Love
1971: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / Concerto of Love
1971: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / My Broadway
1971: For as Long as I Live / Nova Bossa Nova, Tomesou
1971: Meadow of Stars / Oh! Beautiful
1970: Gypsy Lord / Lovers, Kole
1970: I am You / The Big One
1970: Decaying in Love / Hello! Takarazuka
1970: Anju and Zushiou / C'est la Vie
1969: Anju and Zushiou / Takarazuka '69
1969: Evening Flute of Shiiba / C'est la Vie
1969: Seven / Tanuki Goten
1969: Silk Road, Gentleman
1968: Princess Sen / 7 -Seven-
1968: Young Mate / Recalling the Andes
1968: Redhead from Amagasaki / Over the Rainbow
1967: Suirenshou / The Girl In the Dream / Ballade of Young People, acrobat
1967: Farewell, My Youth / One World
1967: Unforgettable Song / Cheers to Takarasienne!
1966: Love Story of a Castle in the Foggy Night / Esquire Girls
YEAR: Name of Performance, Name of Role
YEAR: Name of Show