Shino Yuka

Picture Credit: Feb. 1996 GRAPH
Name: Shino Yuka
Kanji: 詩乃優花
Current Troupe: Retired
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Real Name:
Nickname: Sacchin, Shino, Sacchan
Height: 160cm
Birthday: 26 April 1965
Blood Type:
Hometown: Sakai, Osaka
Favorite Food: Japanese food, especially sushi
Favorite Flower: Baby's breath
Favorite Colors: Red and white
Hobbies: Driving
Collections: Accessories
Special Talent: Dancing
Origin of Stage Name: It was given to her by her dear teacher.
Favorite Role: All her roles.
Would Like to Try Playing: Anything!
Debut: 1984 (70th Class) Gone with the Wind
Troupe History:
1984 - 1998 Flower Troupe
1998: Speakeasy / Sniper, Jenny
1998: That's Revue (Chunichi), Tsutaji
1997-98: Pale Dawn (Bow & Nippon Seinenkan), Otoyo
1997: That's Revue, Tsutaji
1997: Gone with the Wind, Belle Watling
1997: Hollywood Babylon / Southern Cross Revue, Helen Wood
1996-97: Ryoma (Drama City), Ochou
1996: How to Succeed, Hedy La Rue
1996: HURRICANE (Bow Hall), Marie
1996: Hana wa Hana nari / Hyperion
1995: East of Eden / Dandyism!, Sarah
1995: The Scarlet Pimpernel / Mega Vision, Catherine Saint-Jones
1995: Sorrowful Córdoba / Mega Vision, Merissa
1995: Last Dance (Bow), Gradisca
1994: Winter Storm / Hyper Stage!, Natalia
1994: Growing Up (Nippon Seinenkan / Aichi Annuity), Natsu
1994: Black Jack / Phoenix, Joanne
1994: Bay City Blues / It's A Love Story (Chunichi), Diana
1993: Bay City Blues / It's A Love Story, Diana
1993: One Touch of Venus (Art Sophia / Bow Hall), Molly Grant
1993: Mélancolique Gigolo / La Nova!, Lucille
1993: Le Grand Meaulnes, Valentine
1992: Takarazuka "Dreams" (NYC Tour & Drama City)
1992: Random Harvest / Fancy Touch
1992: A Small Flower Has Bloomed / Junction 24 (National Tour), Oyuu
1992: Dance Festival / Spartacus, Rachel
1991-92: Dean, Eileen
1991: The Emblem of Venezia / Junction 24
1991: Chou-Saishi's Choice / The Flash!, Houou
1991: The Beautiful Beast (Nippon Seinenkan)
1990: The Prelude to Winter / The Showcase
1990: The Rose of Versailles -Fersen-
1990: The Beautiful Beast (Bow Hall)
1989-90: The Romanov Jewelry / Gitan des Gitans
1989: Congress Dances / The Game, Hanzi
1988: Takarazuka Dance Festival '88 / Spring Again / Forever! Takarazuka
1988: Kiss Me Kate
1988: Velvet Color (Bow Hall), Rollo
1988: Time Adagio (Bow)
1988: Mysterious Carnival (Nippon Seinenkan)
1987: You, Ablaze in Red (Bow Hall), Oboro
1987: A Single Rose / The Revuescope, Becky
1987: The White Horizon / Show Up Show
1987: Dream of Dreams: Cole Porter Golden Tunes (Bow Hall)
1986-87: Goodbye Peppermint Night! (Bow Hall / Tokyo)
1986: Antony and Cleopatra / The Heroes
1986: Scattering Flowers, Listen to the Whisper of the Wind (Bow Hall), O-Mitsu
1986: A Madrigal of the Breeze / Memoirs du Paris
1986: Mysterious Carnival (Bow Hall)
1985: Tender Green / Androgyny
1985: If There's Love, I'll Live Forever -Napolean and Josephine-
1984: Oklahoma! (Bow Hall)
1984: The Great Detective is All Alone / La La Flora
1984: In the Amber-Hued Rain / Je t’aime (Tokyo)
1990: The Prelude to Winter
1990: The Rose of Versailles -Fersen-, Rosalie
1989-90: The Romanov Jewelry, Maria
1989: Congress Dances, Eva
1988: Spring Again / Forever! Takarazuka
1988: Kiss Me Kate, Dorthy
1987: A Single Rose, Cindy
1987: The White Horizon, Ania
1986: Antony and Cleopatra
1986: A Madrigal of the Breeze, Dona Matilda
1986: Mysterious Carnival (Bow shinko), Mimme
1985: If There's Love, I'll Live Forever -Napolean and Josephine-
1985: Tender Green, Nerve
1984: The Great Detective is All Alone
1998: Miki in Budokan
1997: '97 TCA Special - The Festival
1995: '95 TCA Special - Magnifique Takarazuka
1994: TMP Special - Dream Festival Takarazuka '94
1992: '92 TMP Music Festival - Songs in Your Heart
1989: '89 TMP Music Festival - That's Movie! II
1989: TAKARAZUKA: Takarazuka Dance Eulogy / Takarazuka Forever (New York Tour)
1988: '88 TMP Music Festival - Eternal Pops