Misaki Kei
Picture Credit: Lost | The Takarazuka Yukigumi VIII / hobiornothobi | Doyle & Frozen Holiday Program
Name: Misaki Kei
Kanji: 海咲 圭
Current Troupe: Snow
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Current
Nickname: Kei, Aminko
Height: 169cm
Birthday: February 1st
Blood Type:
Hometown: Kameoka, Kyoto
Favorite Food: meat, strawberry
Favorite Flower: cherry blossoms, wisteria
Favorite Colors: light blue, yellow
Hobbies: cooking, gaming, internet shopping
Collections: black tea, things with a nice scent
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: took one character from her real name, and thought of it with her family
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: Treplyov from The Seagull
Debut: 2019 (105th Class) Ocean's 11
Troupe History:
2019 - Current Snow Troupe
2025: Robin the Hero / Overture!
2024: Crash Landing on You (Brillia Hall / Umeda Arts), Captain
2024: The Rose of Versailles: Fersen
2024: Romanesque Mask / Gato Bonito!! (National Tour), Jean
2023-24: Boiled Doyle on the Toil Trail / Frozen Holiday, Physician
2023: Hyperbolic Chart (Drama City / Nippon Seinenkan), Gregorio
2023: A Dream in Lilac / Jewel de Paris!!
2023: Bonnie & Clyde (Misonoza), Store Clerk
2022: The Pleiades in the Blue
2022: Odyssey -The Age of Discovery- (Umeda Main Hall)
2022: Yumesuke's Dream-Senryo Souvenir / Sensational!
2021: City Hunter / Fire Fever!
2021: The Emblem of Venezia / Le Poison -Again- (National Tour)
2021: fff -Fortississimo- / Silk Road
2020: Once Upon a Time in America
2019: Ocean's 11 (Cosmos - Grand Theater)
2024: The Rose of Versailles: Fersen, Nicolas (HY: Sakishiro Kei)
2023-24: Boiled Doyle on the Toil Trail, Sherlock Holmes 001 (Old man) (HY: Amatsuki Tsubasa)
2023: A Dream in Lilac, Schinkel (HY: Ouji Kaoru)
2022: The Pleiades in the Blue, Master Zhao (HY: Seika Rian)
2022: Yumesuke's Dream-Senryo Souvenir, Saruzo (HY: Manomiya Rui)
2021: City Hunter, Shinjuku Man (HY: Asato Mire)
2020: Once Upon a Time in America (Grand Theater)
YEAR: Name of Show