Spreading Golden Wings / Full Beat

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Show Information
English Title: Spreading Golden Wings / Full Beat
Japanese Title: はばたけ黄金の翼よ / フル・ビート
Romanized Title: Habatake Ougon no Tsubasa yo / Furu Biito

Troupe: Snow
Year: 1985
Performances: National Tour, 9/3 - 9/24

Spreading Golden Wings:

Based On: the comic Kaze no Yukue by Kasuya Noriko
Adaptor/Director: Ako Takeshi
Music: Terada Takio, Takahashi Kuni
Choreography: Kita Hiroshi, Hayama Kiyomi
Conductor (Takarazuka): n/a
Conductor (Tokyo): n/a

Full Beat:

Author/Director: Okada Keiji
Composer: Takahashi Kuni, Yoshizaki Kenji, Hashimoto Kazuaki
Choreographer: Kita Hiroshi, Tsukasa Konomi, Oka Masami
Conductor (Takarazuka): n/a
Conductor (Tokyo): n/a

Available on DVD: No
Available on Blu-Ray: No
DVD Scene/Music Cuts: n/a


Vittorio Alidoro (young lord of the Alidoro (Golden Wings) house of Il Lago)Taira Michi
Falco Lucca (Vittorio's right-hand man, son of Count Lucca)Mori Keaki
Clarice del Campo (Julio's half sister)Kanna Miho
Count Guillermo (prime minister of Bolzano)Shou Sumire
Julio del Campo (young lord of Bolzano)Hokuto Hikaru
Lodomia (Falco's younger sister)Kita Izumi

Other Cast: Shirogane Akemi, Masaki Keiko, Katsu Sachiyo, Akira Miyabi, Sara Kei, Yutaka Ayumu, Aoki Ryou, Ebira Kaoru, Ichihara Kei, Mikaze Riza, Nanao Tomo, Asuka Yuu, Kachou Itsuki, Kamo Senjou, Kotozuki Chiko, Ami Jun, Aya Tatsumi, Kamishiro Shouko, Mitsuki Yuu (1979), Nozoe Sayuki, Kodai Mizuki, Misaki Kou, Fuzuki Rei, Mitsuki Ayu, Shirasagi Madoka, Takane Fubuki, Murasaki Tomo, Yukihara Chinae, Katsura Asahi



Spreading Golden Wings

Vittorio is the young lord of Il Lago, which is always at war with Bolzano, a neighboring city-state of Northern Italy. In one conflict, Vittorio kills the old lord of Bolzano, and takes his daughter Clarice prisoner. Clarice is actually the bastard daughter of the old lord, and expects Vittorio to be a fat old man. She's rather surprised when she sees the real Vittorio. Vittorio, to everyone's shock, orders an immediate wedding.

He justifies this to his men with lots of political jabber. But Falco, the son of Vittorio's prime minister, a young man who grew up with Vittorio like a brother, is suspicious that Vittorio has other motivations to marry the girl. He argues that they could just as easily kill her. This really drives Vittorio mad, as he doesn't want his motivations probed. He goes ahead with the immediate wedding. On the wedding night, Clarice struggles and pulls out a hidden knife. Vittorio wrestles it away, and she tells him to kill her. He tells her he doesn't intend to just yet.

Soon Vittorio leaves Il Lago for some reason or another. But then he hears that Clarice has taken ill, and he races back to her bed side. She's surprised by his gentleness. His men get even more suspicious as Vittorio dotes on Clarice as she recovers. However, Clarice and Vittorio still don't see eye-to-eye. She doesn't like how he sees conflict and killing as a game. He is frustrated and angry that she still can't bring herself to love him. She also overhears a conversation between Vittorio and Falco's sister Lodomia. Lodomia is in love with Vittorio, but has been cast off for Clarice. Clarice's nurse tells Clarice that Vittorio probably has many women on the side, which Clarice immediately connects with her own abandoned mother.

Falco decides to take action before his lord gets turned into a total wimp, so he kidnaps Clarice. And then Lodomia confronts Vittorio with Clarice in a large trunk. She tells Vittorio that Clarice has been poisoned, and unless he gives her what she wants, she won't give him the antidote. Well, apparently that is something that Vittorio won't do, so he calls Lodomia's bluff and pulls his sword out to kill Clarice rather than have her die from the poison. Lodomia doesn't want Vittorio to put himself through the agony of killing the woman he loves, so she admits defeat and hands over the antidote. Clarice wakes up. Vittorio realizes Falco is behind this all and is about to kill him, but Clarice begs for his life, not wanting anyone to die on her behalf. So Falco simply exiles him.

Well, the prime minister of Bolzano hears all about Vittorio's weakness and concocts a plot. His men spring a trap on Vittorio in the woods, but even then Vittorio would have escaped, because he managed to capture the young lord Julio of Bolzano, except that Falco shows up with a knife at Clarice's throat. Despite Clarice's pleas to Vittorio to not listen to them, Vittorio drops his sword and admits defeat.

Vittorio and Clarice get carted off to the dungeons of Bolzano, where Falco chains Vittorio up to a wall and, furious that the downfall of his idol and best friend was because of a woman, commences whipping him bloody. As Falco beats Vittorio, Vittorio says that he doesn't care about his own life, but begs Falco to save Clarice. This only infuriates Falco more. Julio runs in just as Falco is getting carried away and calls a stop to it, because Julio is really a nice guy. But his prime minister, Count Guillermo, isn't, and he has his men bring in a hot poker. Vittorio loses an eye. Stricken over what has happened, and admitting himself defeated by Vittorio's love, Falco vows to disappear, but first he saves Clarice and Vittorio.

Spring forward a bit, and Lodomia has changed her name and moved to Bolzano to work as a singer. She sings very nicely at a tavern as she keeps an eye on the Count Guillermo and his men. Well, a cute little page boy suddenly arrives with a letter for Guillermo. Guillermo doesn't want it, as he's having a good day. The page boy insists, and nearly gets into trouble when Guillermo suspects that he knows the nervous page boy, who is really Clarice in disguise. However, Lodomia claims him as her brother and calms Guillermo down. The letter is a challenge to Julio from Vittorio. Lodomia and Clarice leave, but when Lodomia goes back for her shawl she hears Guillermo and his thugs plotting.

Suddenly we're in the woods again and Julio and Vittorio start dueling. There is a halt, and one of Guillermo's evil stooges brings out two goblets on a platter. Lodomia runs forward as Vittorio is about to drink, grabs it from him, and drinks it herself. It's poisoned, she tells him, and names Guillermo as the culprit before dying. Vittorio is furious and attacks Guillermo. The two start duelling. Suddenly, troops from Il Lago arrive. In the ensuing melee, suddenly Julio and Guillermo are fighting each other, and Julio kills the scoundrel. Julio then begs Vittorio's forgiveness and waits to be killed, but instead Vittorio clasps his hand and everyone is happy. One-eyed Vittorio and cute-page-boy Clarice cuddle and the curtain falls.

Full Beat

A variety show full of beats with speed and vigor.

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Created by caithion. Last Modification: Monday 22 of April, 2019 14:10:33 GMT-0000 by lokai.
