Takahane Ukyou

Picture Credit: BabylonClo | lokai / Never Say Goodbye program
Name: Takahane Ukyou
Kanji: 貴羽 右京
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Ukyou, Ukyokyo
Real Name: Yasuda Hitomi (安田ひとみ)
Height: 170 cm
Birthday: September 22
Blood Type: AB
Hometown: Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture
Favorite Food: cake, Yamaguchi's famous kawara-soba
Favorite Flower: calla lily, rose
Favorite Colors: beige, yellow, green
Hobbies: doodling, cleaning, comedic punch-lines, singing enthusiastically when she's alone in the car
Collections: aroma oils
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: her father gave it to her
Favorite Role: Bart the butler from Castel Mirage, Joseph Buquet from Phantom, everything from Le Petit Jardin
Would Like to Try Playing: a female role
Debut: 1995 (81st Class) A Map Without Borders
Troupe History:
1998 - 2007 Cosmos Troupe
1995 - 1998 Flower Troupe
2006-07: Sketches from the Life of Ryoma Sakamoto / The Classical Music ~I Love Chopin~, Tea-house owner
2006: Copacabana (Hakataza), Maitre D'
2006: Never Say Goodbye, Dave
2005: A Kiss to the Flames / Neo Voyage, Vassal
2005: Le Petit Jardin (Bow Hall), Robert
2005: Hotel Stella Maris / The Legend of the Revue, Dennis
2004: Gone with the Wind (National Tour), Peter
2004: Phantom, Joseph Buquet
2003-04: Lightning in the Daytime / Temptation!, Mr. Dinot
2003: Legend of the Eight Dog Warriors (Bow Hall / Nippon Seinenkan), Old man
2003: Pierre the Mercenary / The Star Dust Party, Joan's valet
2002: Legend of the Phoenix -Calaf & Turandot- / The Showstopper, Scholar (The Second)
2002: The Age of Innocence (Bow Hall / Nippon Seinenkan), Welland
2001-02: Castel Mirage / Dancing Spirit!, Bart
2001: The Rose of Versailles 2001 -Fersen and Marie Antoinette-
2000: Nostalgia Across the Sea / Millennium Challenger!
2000: Mayerling / Glorious!! (National Tour), Criess
2000: Black Rose of the Desert / Glorious!!
1999: Passion: Jose and Carmen / The Revue '99 (Tokyo)
1999: The Tempest (Bow Hall)
1999: Passion: Jose and Carmen / The Revue '99 (Grand Theater)
1999: Excalibur / Citrus Breeze (National Tour), Count Bloom
1998-99: Elisabeth, One of Duke Max's relatives
1998: Excalibur / Citrus Breeze
1997: That's Revue
1997: Gone with the Wind (National Tour)
1997: Hollywood Babylon / Southern Cross Revue
1996: How to Succeed
1996: People Who Love Flowers / Hyperion
1995: East of Eden / Dandyism!
1995: A Map Without Borders (Star - Grand Theater)
2001-02: Castel Mirage, McGovern, Dealer
2001: The Rose of Versailles 2001 -Fersen and Marie Antoinette-, Count of Provence
2000: Nostalgia Across the Sea
2000: Black Rose of the Desert, Sawaap
1999: Passion: Jose and Carmen, Soldier 1
1998-99: Elisabeth, Hubner
1998: Excalibur
1997: That's Revue, Arashi Umenosuke
1997: Hollywood Babylon, Keith
1996: How to Succeed
1996: Hyperion
1995: East of Eden
2006: Dream Memorandum
2005: Takarazuka Revue Charity Concert
2000: Adieu Takarazuka 1000days Theater
1998: Revue Special '98
1997: Third Akiko Kanda Lesson Recital
None yet.