A Kiss To The Flames/Neo Voyage (Cosmos, 2005)

Picture Credit: Zephy
English Title: A Kiss To The Flames / Neo Voyage
Japanese Title: 炎にくちづけを / ネオ・ヴォヤージュ
Romanized Title: Honoo ni Kuchizuke / Neo Voyaaju
Troupe: Cosmos
Year: 2005
Performances: Grand Theater, 08/05 - 9/19; Tokyo Theater, 10/07 - 11/13
Shinjin Kouen Performances: Grand Theater, 08/23; Tokyo Theater, 10/18
A Kiss to the Flames:
Based On: IL Trovatore
Author: Kimura Shinji
Director: Kimura Shinji
Composer: Kai Masato
Choreographer: Hayama Kiyomi, Takemura Rui
Conductor (Takarazuka): Okada Yoshiki
Conductor (Tokyo):
Shinjin Kouen Director: Oono Takuji
Neo Voyage:
Author: Miki Akio
Director: Miki Akio
Composer: Takahashi Kuni, Yoshida Yuuko, Saitou Tsuneyoshi
Choreographer: Nakura Kayoko, Miori Yumino, Fujii Mariko
Conductor (Takarazuka): Misaki Megumi
Conductor (Tokyo): Kiyokawa Tomomi
Available on DVD: Yes (release date 12/10/05) & VHS
DVD Scene/Music Cut: No
Other Cast: Shirakawa Ruri, Tsukishiro Misaki, Orika Narumi, Ayuse Mito, Karin Moyuru, Ayane Raira, Hanatsuyu Sumika, Himiya Sakura, Maiki Ayumi, Shiramine Sayuri, Aihana Chisaki, Moeno Riria, Aisa Momo, Miyabi Ouka, Mikage Rin, Kotoha Sakurako, Kazahane Reia, Chisuzu Mayu, Koumi Maito, Ayahane Maya, Amakaze Ibuki, Sakuma Takane, Fujisaki Eri, Hanasato Mana, Sumiki Sayato, Ayase Akina, Sasara Eru, Maika Kurumi, Kana Kyouko, Souma Neo
- Tsukioka Nanao was absent for the Grand Theater run; Kazari Jin filled in for her role.
Grand Romance
A Kiss To The Flames
-Based on the opera Il Trovatore-
In fifteenth century Spain, the Count di Luna who lives in the royal palace of Aliaferia is madly in love with Leonora, a lady-in-waiting at the palace. However, she is in love with the troubadour Manrico who earlier appeared before her as an unknown knight in black armor on a white horse at a tournament.
Late one night, the followers of the Count di Lina are keeping watch in the palace guard. Ferrando, an old and trusted follwer of the Count, relates an old story in order to keep the younger followers awake as requested. The story is about an incident that happened twenty years ago. The old Count had two sons, the present Count and a younger brother who was then a baby. The old Count hired a gypsy to tell the fortune of his sons, but she gave an ominous reading so he ordered her to be burned at the stake. Consequently, the gypsy's daughter abducted the baby brother of the present Count, and the baby's bones were later found in the ashes where the old gypsy had been burnt. The daughter of the old gypsy was never found and the rumor remained: the ghost of the old gypsy burnt alive still haunts the palace.
Leonara unsuccessfully awaits the return of Manrico, confesssing her love for him to a confidante, Ines, in the palace garden one night. Leonora, mistaking a shape behind a tree for Manrico, delares her love for him. Howerver, the Count di Luna appears instead. As the Count is trying to win over her heart, Manrico arrives. The two men rush off to fight for Leonora. Manrico is superior in their duel and is at the point of thrusting his sword through the Count when he mysteriously stops himself. The Count takes back his sword and reveals in hatred that Manrico is of gypsy birth. Seeing that this revelation has no effect on Leonora's love for Manrico, the Count burns with jealousy. He calls in his guards to kill Manrico. Manrico, severely wounded, escapes alone deep into the forest.
At a gypsy camp in the mountains of Vizcaya, Manrico's mother Azucena, his childhood friend Barria, and other friends nurse him back to health from the wounds recieved in the duel. Manrico tells his mother how he spared the Count's life in the duel. She then narrates the story that occured twenty years ago: Azucena's mother was burned at the stake by the old Count. After abducting the old Count's little son, she had intended to burn him alive in order to avenge her mother, but she by mystake she threw her own child into the flames instead. "It was you who died," says Azucena. Suddenly the thought strikes him: who is he, if not her son? Azucena begs Manrico to kill the Count, and he swears he will do so. A messenger, Marco, arrives and reports that Leonora was falsely informed that Manrico was killed and is about to take the veil in a convent. Ignoring Azucena's pleas to remain, Manrico hurries off to the convent with Barria and some other comrades.
In the convent of the Holy Cross, Leonora's desparing singing echos. The Count di Luna enteres the convent and tries to take her away to wed. However, Barria, who has stolen into the convent disguised as a manservent, intervenes and helps Manrico to escape with Leonora into the forest.
In the forest near the castel of Castellor, Manrico and Leonora promise to love each other. They hear the distant boom of guns, which seems to tear their happiness apart. Manrico is determined to go to the field, believing that Leonora's love will make him invincible. A messanger arrives with the news that the Count has seized Azucena. Paying no attention to Leonora's protests, Manrico flies to his mother's rescue.
Neo Voyage
Act 1: New Voyage
On the Arctic Ocean, pirates on board a phantom ship encased in ice return to life and set out south on a journey into the future.
Scene 1: Jeweled Ship
The sound of waves is heard for five minutes and a ship with a mermaid figurehead appears. The ship is adorned with the corves and glasswork murals of Emile Galle's style. When the Siren sings about eternal love, the pirates wake up and perform with her in duet.
Captain of the Neo Pirates - Wao Youka
Siren - Hanafusa Mari
Scene 2: The Arctic Ocean
Sharp-edged icebergs float on the Arctic Ocean. The sky fills with mysterious northern lights and stars. Shooting stars drop down. In an icebound palace, the pirates wake up and decide to go away in search of a new dream. They sing alone sorrowful gospel-like numbers between the menfolk.
Captain of the Neo Pirates - Wao Youka
Men S of the Neo Pirates - Hatsukaze Midori
Men A of the Neo Pirates - Yamato Yuuga
Scene 3: A Tall Ship
Silver sails drop down. Goddesses of spring appear and set the men free from the coldness of winter. A Latin atmosphere emerges.
Caribbean Woman S - Hanafusa Mari
Caribbean Women A - Shijou Rui, Miwa Asahi
Scene 4: The Blazing Palace
The sun comes back to the starry heavens. An energetic rhythm is born and the icy world is bathed in a tropical heat wave. After regaining strength for living, the men sing the joy of living while they dance. They succeed in returning to the Caribbean.
Star Pirate - Wao Youka
Carribean Woman S - Hanafusa Mari
Men S of the Neo Pirates - Hatsukaze Midori, Yamato Yuuga
Men A of the Neo Pirates - Ryouga Haruhi, Yuumi Hiro
Caribbean Women A - Shijou Rui, Miwa Asahi
Scene 5: The Tall Ship ~ Departure
The sails cover the stage at the end, and the pirates, blessed by Siren, set out on a journey.
Star Pirate - Wao Youka
Siren - Hanafusa Mari
Man S of the Neo Pirates - Hatsukaze Midori
Men A of the Neo Pirates - Ryouga Haruhi, Yuumi Hiro
Caribbean Women A - Shijou Rui, Miwa Asahi
Act 2: The River Runs Free ~Just Like the River Flows~
The African rhythms drift ashore New Orleans and evolves while traveling along the Mississippi River. The rhythm turns into jazz in Chicago and blooms in New York.
Scene 6: New Orleans ~Halloween Magic~ (The 1930s)
On the night of Halloween, boys and girls disguised as Gothic demons walk along the streets with pumpkin lanterns in hand. They scare people and recieve sweets. A mysterious Halloween man emeres from nowhere and executes magical dance steps, attracting the children. The dance gets hotter. The pumpkins swallow the children up at the end. A laughing snarl is heard, "Happy Halloween! Heh heh heh heh."
Halloween Man - Yamato Yuuga
Marietta/Mariettie - Misato Maya
Boys of New Orleans (Chorus) - Amou Tamaki, Kazari Jin
Girls of New Orleans (Chorus) - Mikaze Maira, Kazune Miou
Scene 7: Chicago ~The Terminal~ (The 1950s)
A broken-hearted man sings the blues while executing a sand shuffle. Althought he attracts women, he feels empty. Before long, the woman he loves appears with gangsters. The ephemeral encounter comes to an end. After she leaves, he again sings the blues.
Loverman - Wao Youka
The Lady - Hanafusa Mari
Guy A - Kotobuki Tsukasa, Yuumi Hiro
Doll A - Shijou Rui, Miwa Asahi
Doll (Singer) - Otono Izumi
Scene 8: New York ~Studio~ (Present Day)
The Dancer S - Wao Youka
Dancer Man A - Yamato Yuuga, Ryouga Haruhi
Scene 9A: New York Rainbow ~Steppin' Out & Cheek to Cheek~
Gentleman S - Hatsukaze Midori
Lady A - Shijou Rui, Miwa Asahi
Scene 9B: New York Rainbow ~The Continental~
Gentleman S - Yamato Yuuga
Gentleman A - Ryouga Haruhi
Lady A - Shijou Rui, Miwa Asahi
Scene 9C: New York Rainbow ~Top Hat, White Tie and Tails~
Fred A - Wao Youka
Ginger R - Hanafusa Mari
Scene 9D: New York Rainbow ~Puttin' on the Ritz~
Fred A - Wao Youka
Ginger R - Hanafusa Mari
Gentleman S - Hatsukaze Midori, Yamato Yuuga
Gentleman A - Ryouga Haruhi
Lady A - Shijou Rui, Miwa Asahi
Scene 10: Super Express
Rockette A - Nagina Ruumi
Act 3: Fortissimo! ~A Pianist Above the Ocean~
The Piano Demon gives a pianist, who has lost his memories, remembrances of beautiful women along with a vivid melody. The tragic tale of a young man who was enchanted, trapped inside, and made to live for the piano. Was he lucky to meet the piano?
Scene 11 A: Chopiniana A
A pianist who has lost his memories follows the sound of a piano, in pursuit of his memories. The Piano Demon manipulates him. A lounge aboard a ship.
Piano Man - Yamato Yuuga
Scene 11 B: Chopiniana B
Piano Demon - Hatsukaze Midori
Piano Man - Yamato Yuuga
Female Piano Demons - Suzuna Saya, Mikaze Maira, Otono Izumi
Scene 11 C: Chopiniana C
The melody of memory is resurrected, and women of memory appear, but the Piano Demon toys with his heart.
Piano Man - Yamato Yuuga
American Girls: Ayahana Chika, Sakihana An, Kazune Miou, Hanakage Arisu
Russian Dancer: Kotobuki Tsukasa
Russian Beauty: Suzu Haruki
Spanish Ladies: Oomi Ako, Ayuse Mito, Ayane Raira, Maiki Ayumi
Spanish Guys: Toki Irisu, Nanaho Hikaru, Kazu Ryouka, Nagina Ruumi
China Lady: Sagiri Seina
Arabian Queen: Miwa Asahi
Arabian Dancers: Seino Kaju, Amou Tamaki
Scene 11 D: Chopiniana D
When the Woman of Destiny (Flame) appears and the two dance a tango, the piano bursts into flames and the Men of Flame dance wildly. The ship is enveloped in flames and sinks. The pianist loses his memory a second time and collapses.
Piano Demon - Hatsukaze Midori
Piano Man - Yamato Yuuga
Woman of Destiny (Flame) - Shijou Rui
Men of Flame A - Ryouga Haruhi, Yuumi Hiro
Men of Flame - Natsu Hiromi, Yakumo Mika, Harukaze Misato, Houshou Dai, Hasumi Yuuya, Asane Satsuto, Akatsuki Gou, Kashou Naoto, Houju Ichi, Sumiki Sayato
Act 4: The Final Voyage ~Into Outer Space~
The grand staircase apears, adorned with stars and covered with silver sails. A space ship is on an intergalactic trip propelled by solar wind. Space travelers dance on board.
Scene 12: Finale A ~Before the Curtain~
Then Star-Charmantes in swimwear-like attire with feathers dance to a violent rhythm of percussions.
Star-Charmantes - Hatsune Mayo, Amou Tamaki, Suzu Haruki, Miwa Asahi, Oomi Ako, Seino Kaju, Sagiri Seina, Ayane Raira, Nagina Ruumi, Maiki Ayumi
Scene 13: Finale B ~Grand Staircase~
Neo Star S comes out of the bright sails and dances solo to Rachmaninov's piano concerto.
Neo Star S - Wao Youka
Scene 14: Finale C
As the sails are unfurled, Neo Star A emerges and dances with Neo Star S. Shortly afterward, twenty-four men in galactic tailcoats come in and dance with Neo Star S.
Neo Star S - Wao Youka
Neo Star A - Yamato Yuuga
Scene 15: Finale D
When Venus appears, one of the Neo Stars A (Yamato) dances with the young Neo Stars. Another Neo Star A (Hatsukaze) sings.
Venus - Hanafusa Mari
Neo Stars A - Hatsukaze Midori, Yamato Yuuga
Neo Stars - Kotobuki Tsukasa, Ryouga Haruhi, Yuumi Hiro, Toki Irisu, Nanaho Hikaru, Kazu Ryouka
Scene 16: Finale E
The super star comes in and dances to E lucevan le stelle (How the Stars Seemed to Shimmer) in duet with Venus.
Super Star - Wao Youka
Venus - Hanafusa Mari
Scene 17: Parade
The Final Singer comes in and sings the longing for a new voyage.
Neo Voyage Final Singer - Hatsukaze Midori
Scene 18: Parade
The pompous parade with all the performers rolls out.
Neo Voyage Man S - Wao Youka
Neo Voyage Woman S - Hanafusa Mari
Neo Voyage Final Singer - Hatsukaze Midori
Neo Voyage Men (singers) - Yamato Yuuga, Ryouga Haruhi, Yuumi Hiro
Neo Voyage Woman (singer) - Shijou Rui
- Final performance for: Hatsukaze Midori (Senka), Shirakawa Ruri, Ayahana Chika, Seino Kaju and Aisa Momo.
A Kiss to the Flames / Neo Voyage - Review by Ekusudei
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