Rei Yuuki

Picture Credit: Zephy / Otome 2001
Name: Rei Yuuki
Kanji: 玲 有希
Current Troupe: Retired
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Nomu, Arisa, Poko-chan
Height: 168 cm
Birthday: April 12
Blood Type:
Hometown: Takarazuka, Hyogo
Favorite Food: Salad
Favorite Flower: Gerbera, Tulip, Poppy
Favorite Colors: White, Beige, Black, Grey
Hobbies: Lisening to music, watching movies
Collections: Perfume, CDs
Special Talent: Horseback Riding
Origin of Stage Name: Someone she respected gave it to her
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
First Takarazuka Show Seen: Phoenix
Debut: 1997 (83rd Class) Romanesque Mask
Troupe History:
1998 - 2002 Snow Troupe
2002: Hopscotch (Bow Hall), Tommy Faith
2002: Memories of Barcelona / On the Fifth, Townsman 1
2002: Gone with the Wind (Nissay), Peter, Northern Corporal
2001-02: Flaming Love / Rose Garden
2001: Anna Karenina (Bow Hall)
2001: In Search of El Dorado / Passage
2000: Singing In the Moonlight (Drama City), Man-Fu (as a child)
2000: Department Store / Arch of Triumph, Industrial Terrorist / Ravic's Shadow, Lamplighter (special cast)
2000: Bamboo-leaf Boat (Bow), Aoyama Yosa
1999-00: The Man Called Bacchus / Splendor of a Thousand Beats '99
1999: Say It Again (Bow Hall)
1999: Meet Again / Nova Bossa Nova
1998-99: Lovers' Suicide (Bow Hall / Nippon Seinenkan)
1998: House Amid the Thickets / Ravir
1997-98: Shun'ou Fu / Let's Jazz (Tokyo)
1997: Romanesque Mask / Golden Days
2002: Memories of Barcelona, Leopoldo Austoria
2001-02: Flaming Love, Liu Sheng
2001: In Search of El Dorado, Minomura Rizaemon
2000: Arch of Triumph, Weber
1999-00: The Man Called Bacchus, Mueller
1999: Nova Bossa Nova, Door Boy
1998: House Amid the Thickets
1997-98: Shun'ou Fu (Tokyo)
2001: Snow Troupe Encourage Concert
2000: Rough Time (Aran Kei Dinner Show)
1999: Revue Special '99
1997: '97 TCA Special - The Festival
None yet.