Ranka Rea

Picture Credit: 1995 Otome
Name: Ranka Rea
Kanji: 蘭香 レア
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Rea, Maya
Real Name: 長尾まや (Nagao Maya)
Height: 168 cm
Birthday: Nov. 11, 1977
Blood Type: O
Hometown: Wakayama Prefecture
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors: White, black, navy blue
Hobbies: Taking walks, driving, skiing, stretching
Special Talent: Classic ballet
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1995 (81st Class) A Map Without Borders
Troupe History:
1998 - 2001 Snow Troupe
1995 - 1998 Flower Troupe
2001: In Search of El Dorado / Passage, Okita Souji
2000: Singing in the Moonlight (Drama City), Liu
2000: Department Store / Arch of Triumph, Pepe (Tokyo)
2000: Takarazuka: Snow, Moon, Flower / Sunrise Takarazuka (Berlin)
2000: Bamboo-leaf Boat (Bow), Akechi Samanosuke Hidemitsu
1999: The Man Called Bacchus / Karei Naru Sen Hyoushi '99, Fritz
1999: Icarus (Nippon Seinenkan & Aichi), Luchiano
1999: Meet Again / Nova Bossa Nova
1999: Lovers' Suicide (Nippon Seinenkan), Shousuke
1998: Spring Again / Southern Cross Revue (National Tour)
1998: Speakeasy / Sniper, Norman
1998: Véronique (Bow Hall), Octave
1998: That's Revue (Chunichi)
1997: Hollywood Babylon / Southern Cross Revue, Astaire
1997: Blue Swan (Bow Hall)
1996-97: Hong Kong Nocturne (Bow Hall)
1996: How to Succeed
1996: Hana wa Hana Nari / Hyperion
1995: East of Eden / Dandyism!
2000: Arch of Triumph, Ravic (lead role)
1999: The Man Called Bacchus, Michele
1999: Nova Bossa Nova, Ouro
1998: Speakeasy, Bradley
1997: That's Revue, Shizuoka
1997: Hollywood Babylon, Mario de Luca
1996: How to Succeed, Jenkins
1996: Hyperion
1995: East of Eden
2000: Rough Time (Aran Kei Dinner Show)
2000: TCA Special 2000 - King of Revue
1999: Revue Special '99
1999: '99 TCA Special - Hello! Wonderful Time
1998: Paris Festival 1998
1997: Takumi Hibiki Dinner Show - Pearl Eyes
1997: Third Akiko Kanda Lesson Recital
2008: Last Friends, Mita Sayuri
2007: Maiko Haaaan!!!
2003: Borderless III
- After retiring, she took on the stage name Misaki Rea and appeared in stage plays, drama CDs, etc. In 2006 she signed with Amuse and returned to her stage name Ranka Rea.
- Amuse Artist File
- Real Rea - Blog
- One of her drama cd roles was Oscar in the 2003 drama cd of Rose of Versailles.