Mine Keito

Picture Credit: 2004 Otome / Shigure Hill Road in Nagasaki / Soul of Shiva!! programme
Name: Mine Keito
Kanji: 嶺 恵斗
Current Troupe:
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Keito, Tagu-P
Height: 172 cm
Birthday: Sept. 13th
Blood Type: O
Hometown: Kyoto
Favorite Food: pasta, bread
Favorite Flower: hibiscus, orchid
Favorite Colors: blue, black
Hobbies: diving, going for a drive, traveling
Collections: CDs, bags, DVDs
Special Talent: playing the electric organ
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role: Bernard from "The Rose of Versailles" shinko, Chino from the "West Side Story" shinko, Thomas Ricken from "Winter Garten"
Would Like to Try Playing: A role with a singing part.
Debut: 1996 (82nd Class) Can-Can
Troupe History:
1996 - 2005 Star Troupe
2005: Shigure Hill Road in Nagasaki / Soul of Shiva!!, Suzuki
2005: A Song For Kingdoms (Chunichi), Kheper
2004: Ch'Ang-an, Full of Swirling Flowers / Romantica Takarazuka '04
2004: Hana no Isogi (Bow Hall), Fujiwara no Yushifusa
2004: A Love Story in 1914 / Takarazuka Splendor, Male Customer
2003: A Song For Kingdoms, Messenger 3
2003: Butterfly Lovers / Southern Cross Revue III (national tour)
2003: Eternal Prayer (Bow Hall), Fernando
2002-03: Glassy Landscape / Babylon, Clint
2002: Winter Garten (Bow Hall), Thomas Ricken
2002: The Prague Spring / Lucky Star!, Public Safety Bureau Director
2002: Revolt of a Gallant Poet / Southern Cross Revue II (Chunichi), LEader of Thieves
2001: Revolt of a Gallant Poet / Southern Cross Revue II (Tokyo), Leader of Thieves
2000: Seija no Yokogao (Bow Hall), Giuseppe
2000: Golden Pharaoh / Miracat (National Tour), Kenamen
2000: Golden Pharaoh / Miracat, Taua
1999-2000: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / Great Century, Goryeo Soldier 3 (alternate)
1999: Epiphany (Bow), Okada Kenkichi
1999: West Side Story
1998: Christmas Story (Drama City)
1998: Dean (Bow)
1998: Emperor / Hemingway Revue
1998: Angels at Dawn -The Sorrow of Bullets- (Bow Hall)
1997-98: Love at Dal Lake
1997: The Spirit of the Samurai / Fascination II
1996-97: Elisabeth
1996: Who is Bad? / Passion Blue (Tokyo)
2002-03: Glassy Landscape, Leonardo Barone
2002: The Prague Spring, Nakazawa
2001: Revolt of a Gallant Poet (Tokyo), Fujiwara no Yoshifusa
2001: The Rose of Versailles, Bernard
2000: Golden Pharaoh, Ahames (Takarazuka), Taharuka (Tokyo)
1999-2000: My Love Lies Over the Mountains, Yi Sung-gye
1999: West Side Story, Chino
1999: My Love Lies Over the Mountains, Korai general
1998: Emperor, Marcus
1997-98: Love at Dal Lake
1997: The Spirit of the Samurai
1996-97: Elisabeth
1996: Who is Bad?
2005: DAN-ke Schon! (Dan Rei Musical Salon)
2003: Recuerdo (Ayaki Nao Dinner Show)
2001: Star Troupe Encourage Concert
2000: Paris Festival 2000