Mashio Shin

Picture Credit: Zephy | 2001 Otome / Song for Kingdoms Program
Name: Mashio Shin
Kanji: 真汐 薪
Current Troupe: Retired
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Mashio, Mito, Shin
Height: 170 cm
Birthday: September 5
Blood Type:
Hometown: Taitou, Tokyo
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors:
Hobbies: Traveling
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: A teacher gave it to her
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1997 (83rd Class) Romanesque Mask
Troupe History:
1997 - 2005 Star Troupe
2005: The Dragon Star (Drama City), Chouin
2005: Shigure Hill Road in Nagasaki / Soul of Shiva!!
2005: A Song For Kingdoms (Chunichi)
2004: Ch'Ang-an, Full of Swirling Flowers / Romantica Takarazuka '04
2004: Flower's Haste (Bow Hall), Fujiwara no Takafuji
2004: A Love Story in 1914 / Takarazuka Splendor
2003: A Song for Kingdoms
2003: Butterfly Lovers / Southern Cross Revue III (national tour)
2002-03: The Glassy Landscape / Babylon, Mr. Smith (filling in for Asazono Miki)
2002: Butterfly Lovers / Southern Cross Revue in China (China Tour)
2002: The Prague Spring / Lucky Star, Soviet Army Commander
2002: Revolt of a Gallant Poet / Southern Cross Revue II (Chunichi), Uncle
2001: Revolt of a Gallant Poet / Southern Cross Revue II (Tokyo)
2001: Revolt of a Gallant Poet / Dreams Fly Around the World
2001: The Rose of Versailles 2001: Oscar and Andre
2000: Golden Pharaoh / Miracat (national tour), Soldier 1
2000: Profile of a Saint (Bow Hall), Gino
2000: Golden Pharaoh / Miracat, Soldier 1 (Takarazuka) / Kassim (Tokyo)
1999-00: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / Great Century
1999: Epiphany (Bow Hall)
1999: West Side Story
1998: Emperor / Hemingway Revue
1997: El Dorado
2003: A Song for Kingdoms, Amonasro
2002-03: The Glassy Landscape, Mr. Smith
2002: The Prague Spring, Jaroslav
2001: Revolt of a Gallant Poet, Shinshin (Tokyo)
2001: Revolt of a Gallant Poet, Leader of Thieves (Takarazuka)
2001: The Rose of Versailles 2001: Oscar and Andre, General Bouillet
2000: Golden Pharaoh, Kenamen / Naktum / Kaames (Takarazuka)
1999-00: My Love Lies Over the Mountains, Jurchen Soldier 2
1999: West Side Story, Snow Boy
1998: Revue Special '98
None yet.