Azusa Io


Azusa Io Off Azusa Io Le Grand Escalier

Picture Credit: May | The Takarazuka VIII: Cosmos Troupe / serikagumi | Le Grand Escalier Program, from personal collection

Standard Profile Information

Name: Azusa Io
Kanji: 梓 唯央
Current Troupe: Cosmos
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Current

Nickname: Massuu
Height: 169 cm
Birthday: May 30th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Nagano, Nagano Prefecture
Favorite Food: ice cream, cheese
Favorite Flower: rose
Favorite Colors: black, red, blue, gold
Hobbies: shopping
Collections: things with good scents, items with bears
Special Talent: short distance sprinting
Origin of Stage Name: thought of it with her family
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: would like to challenge herself with various roles

Debut: 2018 (104th Class) Killer Rouge
Troupe History:
2018 - Current Cosmos Troupe


2024: My Blue Heaven (Bow Hall), Imaizumi Matsuzou
2024: Le Grand Escalier
2023: Pagad / Sky Fantasy!, Prosecutor
2023: Xcalibur (Toshima Arts), Bors
2023: Casino Royale
2023: Beyond Dreams and Reality (Bow Hall), Dark shadow
2022: High & Low -The Prequel- / Capricciosa!!, Azusa
2022: Cult Wine (Toshima Arts / Drama City), Suit Tailor
2022: Never Say Goodbye
2021: Promises, Promises (Drama City / Toshima Arts)
2021: Sherlock Holmes / Délicieux!
2021: Hotel Svizra House (Toshima Arts / Umeda Arts), Bellhop
2020-21: Anastasia
2019-20: El Japón / Aqua Vitae!!
2019: The Diamond as Big as the Ritz (Bow Hall), Bob
2019: Ocean's 11
2019: Dark Brown Eyes / Viva! Festa! in Hakata (Hakataza)
2018: Castle of the White Heron / Outsiders in the Renaissance
2018: Another World / Killer Rouge (Star - Grand Theater)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

2023: Casino Royale, Technical Officer Q / Manager Gerard (HY: Akine Hikaru / Sumikaze Nagi)
2022: High & Low -The Prequel-, KOO (HY: Kazeiro Hyuuga)
2022: Never Say Goodbye, Alfonso Rivera (HY: Sumikaze Nagi)
2021: Sherlock Holmes, Bradstreet (HY: Manase Mira)
2019-20: El Japón, Tonomo (HY: Yuuki Shion)
2019: Ocean's 11
2018: Outsiders in the Renaissance

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

YEAR: Name of Show


None yet.

Created by lokai. Last Modification: Wednesday 04 of September, 2024 15:45:32 GMT-0000 by kisaki.
