Ayana Miki


AyanaMiki Off Ayana Miki Fh

Picture Credit: Lost | Graph May 2020 // hobiornothobi | Doyle & Frozen Holiday Program

Standard Profile Information

Name: Ayana Miki
Kanji: 彩名 美希
Current Troupe: Snow
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Current

Nickname: Satori, Mikkii
Height: 169 cm
Birthday: November 24th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Niigata
Favorite Food: Yogurt
Favorite Flower: Texas bluebell
Favorite Colors: Pastels
Hobbies: Cooking, choir
Collections: Makeup
Special Talent: Rhythmic gymnastics, being on pitch
Origin of Stage Name: Took one character from someone she looks up to, and thought about it with her mother
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: All kinds of roles

Debut: 2020 (106th Class) Welcome to Takarazuka / A Farce in Pigalle
Troupe History:
2020 - Current Snow Troupe


2024-25: Formosa!! (Umeda Arts / KAAT)
2024: The Rose of Versailles: Fersen
2024: Romanesque Mask / Gato Bonito!! (National Tour), Chevalier Guillaume
2023-24: Boiled Doyle on the Toil Trail / Frozen Holiday
2023: Too Short a Time to Fall in Love / Jewel de Paris!! (National Tour)
2023: A Dream in Lilac / Jewel de Paris!!
2023: Bonnie & Clyde (Misonoza)
2022: The Pleiades in the Blue
2022: Yumesuke's Dream-Senryo Souvenir / Sensational!
2021: City Hunter / Fire Fever!
2021: fff -Fortississimo- / Silk Road
2020: Welcome to Takarazuka / A Farce in Pigalle (Moon - Grand Theater)

Shinjin Kouen Roles

2024: The Rose of Versailles: Fersen, Peasant man (HY: Saran Reia)
2023-24: Boiled Doyle on the Toil Trail, William James (HY: Mareha Rinto)
2023: A Dream in Lilac, Officer (HY: Hiyori Haruma)
2022: The Pleiades in the Blue
2022: Yumesuke's Dream-Senryo Souvenir
2021: City Hunter, Public Relations Officer (HY: Hiyori Haruma)

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

YEAR: Name of Show


Created by zaraphena. Last Modification: Tuesday 23 of July, 2024 17:19:19 GMT-0000 by kisaki.
