Takuma Saki

Picture Credit: lokai / Otome 2001
Name: Takuma Saki
Kanji: 拓麻 早希
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku → Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Misako, Taku
Real Name: Ikuo Misako (生尾 美作子)
Height: 167cm
Birthday: November 16
Blood Type: B
Hometown: Osaka
Favorite Food: figs, strawberries
Favorite Flower: rose
Favorite Colors: baby blue, pink
Hobbies: theatre-going
Collections: CDs, things she's interested in
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role: the prologue of the Berlin performance
Would Like to Try Playing: a role completely different from herself
Debut: 1997 (83rd Class) Romanesque Mask
Troupe History:
1998 - 2002 Star Troupe
2002: The Prague Spring / Lucky Star!
2002: Butterfly Lovers / Southern Cross Revue in China (China Tour)
2002: Revolt of a Gallant Poet / Southern Cross Revue II (Chunichi), Sawako
2001: Revolt of a Gallant Poet / Southern Cross Revue II (Tokyo), Sawako
2001: Gone with the Wind (National Tour), Mrs. Whiting
2001: Revolt of a Gallant Poet / Dreams Fly Around the World, Nephew
2000: Love Insurance (Drama City), Aimes
2000: Flower Blizzard, Love Blizzard (Bow Hall), Jinbei
1999-2000: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / Great Century, Goryeo Soldier 4 (alternate)
1999: Dream Shakespeare (Bow), Richard
1998: Emperor / Hemingway Revue
1998: Dean (Bow)
1998: Elegy (Bow)
1997: Romanesque Mask / Golden Days
2002: The Prague Spring, Iva
2001: Rose of Versailles: Oscar and Andre, Melchior
2001: Revolt of a Gallant Poet, Fujiwara no Tokitsura
2000: Golden Pharaoh, Shanun
2000: My Love Lies Over the Mountains, Goryeo Soldier 1
1999: West Side Story, Baby John
1998: Emperor, Soldier
2000: Takarazuka: Snow, Moon, Flower / Sunrise Takarazuka (Berlin)
2001: Takarazuka Paris Festival 2001
1998: Revue Special '98
1997: '97 TCA Special - The Festival
- Originally an otokoyaku; switched to musumeyaku in 2001. (Interestingly two of her classmates, Shijou Rui and Amase Izuru, also switched from otokoyaku to musumeyaku; all on separate occasions.)
- Appeared in an episode of Kunoichi (Ninja Warrior in the US), an obstacle course competition that tests the athletic prowess of competitors, performed annually and broadcast on TBS Television.
- Her younger sister is Rune Maika (87th Class), her mother is Sujaku Kaoru (61st class).