Natsu Hiromi

Picture Credit: lokai / Otome 2008 | Sora Fantasista! program
Name: Natsu Hiromi
Kanji: 夏 大海
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Chie
Height: 169cm
Birthday: July 20
Blood Type: A
Hometown: Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture
Favorite Food: coffee, meat, fruit
Favorite Flower: rose, sunflower
Favorite Colors: blue, red, yellow, white
Hobbies: driving
Collections: purses, aroma goods
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: from her birthday, which is "Marine Day" in Japan (kanji: "summer", "large", "ocean")
Favorite Role: Louis XVI from the Rose of Versailles shinjin kouen, all the roles she received in The Last Party, Louis from Le Petit Jardin, Count de Soupise from A/L
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1997 (83rd Class) Romanesque Mask
Troupe History:
1998 - 2008 Cosmos Troupe
2008: Paradise Prince / Dancing for You, James
2008: Complete Devotion (Bow Hall), Shunshou Kengyou
2008: A Morning Breeze / Passion - A Journey of Love, Kumazawa Tennou
2007: Valencian Passion / Space Fantasista! (National Tour), Casarus, Jose
2007: Valencian Passion / Space Fantasista!, Steward
2007: A/L (Drama City / Nippon Seinenkan / Chunichi), Count de Soupise
2006-07: Sketches from the Life of Ryoma Sakamoto / The Classical Music ~I Love Chopin~, Assassin
2006: Copacabana (Hakataza), Luis
2006: Never Say Goodbye, Nick
2006: The Last Party (Nippon Seinenkan), Doctor
2006: Immortal Lovers (Bow Hall), Bar Owner, Guide
2005: A Kiss to the Flames / Neo Voyage, Vassal
2005: Le Petit Jardin (Bow Hall), Louis
2005: Hotel Stella Maris / The Legend of the Revue, Garçon
2004: The Last Party (Bow Hall), Doctor
2004: Phantom, Tournier
2003-04: Lightning in the Daytime / Temptation!, Chamberlain
2003: Legend of the Phoenix -Calaf & Turandot- / The Showstopper (Hakataza), Thief (The Rat)
2003: Pierre the Mercenary / The Star Dust Party, Mercenary
2002: Legend of the Phoenix -Calaf & Turandot- / The Showstopper, Scroll Bearer
2002: Castel Mirage / Dancing Spirit! (National Tour), Chris
2002: Castel Mirage / Dancing Spirit! (Tokyo), Chris
2001: Castel Mirage / Dancing Spirit! (Grand Theater), Mafia Man
2001: The Rose of Versailles 2001 -Fersen and Marie Antoinette-, Soldier, Jail Guard
2000: Nostalgia Across the Sea, Soldier, Russian Man
2000: Black Rose of the Desert / Glorious!!, Vassal, Retainer, Assassin
1999: Passion: Jose and Carmen / The Revue '99 (Tokyo), Soldier
1999: Crossroad (Nippon Seinenkan)
1999: Passion: Jose and Carmen / The Revue '99 (Grand Theater), Soldier
1999: Crossroad (Drama City)
1998-99: Elisabeth, Priest, Wedding Guest, Hungarian Man, Peasant Man, Ambassador, Passerby
1998: Excalibur / Citrus Breeze, Knight, Soldier
1997: Ghost at Midnight / Les Cherubim (Snow), Soldier
1997: Hollywood Babylon / Southern Cross Revue (Flower - Tokyo)
1997: Romanesque Mask / Golden Days (Snow - Grand Theater), Stage Hand / Golden Rockette
2003-04: Lightning in the Daytime, Serge
2003: Pierre the Mercenary, Mark
2002: Legend of the Phoenix -Calaf & Turandot-, Thief (The Rat)
2001-02: Castel Mirage, Carter
2001: The Rose of Versailles 2001 -Fersen and Marie Antoinette-, Louis XVI
2000: Nostalgia Across the Sea, Soldier
2000: Black Rose of the Desert, Follower of the Black Rose
1999: Passion: Jose and Carmen, Picador 3
1998-99: Elisabeth, Black Angel (Prostitute)
1998: Excalibur
1997: Ghost at Midnight (Snow)
1997: Hollywood Babylon (Flower - Tokyo)
1997: Romanesque Mask (Snow - Grand Theater), Footman, Bourgeois Man
2006: Dream Memorandum
2005: Takarazuka Revue Charity Concert
2001: TCA Special 2001 - Takarazuka Dream Century, Chorus
2000: Adieu Takarazuka 1000days Theater, Chorus
1998: Revue Special '98
None yet.