Machikaze Kana
Picture Credit: Otome 1982
Name: Machikaze Kana
Kanji: 町風 佳奈
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Kaako
Real Name: 谷本佳永こ (Tanimoto Kaeko)
Height: 164 cm
Birthday: December 11th
Blood Type: B
Hometown: Osaka
Favorite Food: japanese food
Favorite Flower: pink roses
Favorite Colors: pale colours
Hobbies: playing piano
Collections: dancing fans, tablewear
Special Talent: japanese dance
Origin of Stage Name: a person she knows created it for her
Favorite Role: everything she played so far, but especially Maggie from Citylight Melody
Would Like to Try Playing: Tamayuu from Hoshikage no hito
Debut: 1982 (68th Class) Spring Dances
Troupe History:
1991 - 2001 Flower Troupe
1982 - 1991 Star Troupe
2001: Michelangelo/Viva!, Lucrecia Borgia
2000: Ludwig II/Asian Sunrise, Lila (an actress)
2000: Lived in A Dream / The Beauties!, Lady-in-Waiting * Summer
2000: Tango Argentino / The Revue IV (Chunichi), Therese
1999: Tango Argentino/The Revue '99
1999: Yoake no Jokyoku, Kamekichi
1998: Spring Again / Southern Cross Revue (National Tour)
1998: Speakeasy / Sniper, Maggie Rockit
1998: That's Revue (Chunichi), Takase Haru
1997-98: Pale Dawn (Bow & Nippon Seinenkan), Omiyo
1997: That's Revue, Takase Haru
1997: Hollywood Babylon/Southern Cross Revue, Ruth
1997: Gone with the wind, Mrs.Maede
1996-97: Hong Kong Nocturne, Emily
1996: Hana wa Hana nari / Hyperion
1995: East of Eden / Dandyism!, Mrs. Bacon
1995: Sorrowful Córdoba / Mega Vision, Paula
1995: Last Dance (Bow), Laura
1994: Winter Storm/Hyper Stage!, Duchesse Nastasha
1994: 'Allo, 'Allo, Camelot? (Bow), Queen Peles
1994: Black Jack/Phoenix, Queen Victoria
1994: Bay City Blues / It's A Love Story (Chunichi)
1993: Le Grand Meaulnes, Hazel
1993: Bay City Blues / It's A Love Story, Helen
1993: One Touch of Venus (Art Sophia / Bow Hall)
1993: Mélancolique Gigolo / La Nova!, Katia
1992: Random Harvest/Fancy Touch, Ella
1992: Flower Drum Song (Bow Hall), Madame Fong
1992: Dance Festival / Spartacus
1992: A Small Flower Has Bloomed / Junction 24 (National Tour)
1991: The Lily of Gran Sasso (Bow Hall), Countess Staiola
1991: Sunset of the Forbidden City (Grand Theater)
1991: Portraits of Lovers / Narcisse Noir, Ida
1991: Pal Joey (Bow Hall)
1990-91: The Apollon Mystery / Jesus Diamante
1990: Mayflower / Takarazuka Revue '90
1990: Citylight Melody (Bow Hall), Maggie Gélin
1989-90: The Rose of Versailles -Fersen and Marie-Antoinette
1989: Spring Dance / Diga Diga Doo
1989: War and Peace (Chunichi)
1988: War and Peace
1988: Magnificent Fantasia / Takarazuka Folies (National Tour)
1988: Fiery Bolero / Too Hot!
1987: Yukariko / Jubilee Time!, Akiba
1987: Portraits of Parting
1986: Magnificent Fantasia / Boogie Woogie Folies
1986: Revue Symphony
1985: Flowers Strewn on the Western Sea / The Revue III
1985: Sorrowful Cordoba / Lumiere
1984: Carousel (Bow Hall)
1984: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / Love Express
1984: Prayer Mandala / Plus One
1983: The Man From Algiers / The Storm (Tokyo)
1983: The Window of Orpheus
1983: Spring, When the Magnolias Bloom / Love Connection
1982: Aegean Sea Blues / The Storm
1988: War and Peace
1988: Fiery Bolero!
1987: Yukariko
1987: Portraits of Parting
1986: Magnificent Fantasia
1986: Revue Symphony
1985: Flowers Strewn on the Western Sea
1985: Sorrowful Cordoba
1984: My Love Lies Over the Mountains
1984: Plus One
1983: The Man From Algiers (Tokyo)
1983: The Window of Orpheus
1983: Spring, When the Magnolias Bloom
1982: Aegean Sea Blues
2000: Buyoukai 2000
1997: Buyoukai 1997
1993: Maya Miki Dinner Show: Miki in Person
- She took part in the Takarazuka Genji Monogatari movie which was done by Hanagumi in 2000.
- Now acts for the talent agency TWICE VOICE ROUGE HILLS
- Part of the season two dub cast of The West Wing.
- Official Blog