Houryuu Aya

Picture Credit: Otome 2008| Sabrina/Exciter!! Program
Name: Houryuu Aya
Kanji: 鳳龍 アヤ (formerly 鳳龍あや)
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Takkii, Takituu
Real Name: 瀧田あや (Takita Aya)
Height: 169 cm
Birthday: Aug. 31st
Blood Type:
Hometown: Setagaya, Tokyo
Favorite Food: things that fit the season
Favorite Flower: purple-blue hydrangea
Favorite Colors: blue, red, purple
Hobbies: Horseback-riding, watching shows
Collections: disney goods
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: a coquettish role
Debut: 2007 (93rd Class) Secret Hunter
Troupe History:
2007 - 2011 Flower Troupe
2011: Prelude of Love / Le Paradis!!
2010: Sabrina / Exciter!!
2010: Gu Bijin
2009: Side Story: The Rose of Versailles -André- / Exciter!, Villager
2009: Fifty-Fifty (Bow)
2009: The Legend
2008: Love and Death in Arabia / Red Hot Sea
2007: Adieu Marseille / Love Symphony
2011: Prelude of Love, Keith Truman
2010: Sabrina, Anthony
2010: Gu Bijin, Kou Haku
2009: Side Story: The Rose of Versailles -André-, Villager / Royal Guardsman
2009: The Legend
2008: Love and Death in Arabia
2007: Adieu Marseille
2007: Pure, Proper, Beautiful
- Effective 01/01/10, changed her name from from 鳳龍あや to 鳳龍アヤ. Gubijin was the first show in which she performed under her new name.