Akatsuki Nagisa

Picture Credit: KyaniteD
Name: Akatsuki Nagisa
Kanji: 暁 なぎさ
Current Troupe: Retired
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Ako-chan
Height: 160 cm
Birthday: September 7
Blood Type:
Hometown: Chiyoda, Tokyo
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors:
Hobbies: Traveling, driving, movie appreciation, ballet appreciation
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: Her grandfater gave it to her, based on her real name
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1985 (71st Class) If There's Love, I'll Live Forever
Troupe History:
1985 - 1996 Moon Troupe
1996: Can-Can / Nightless Castle in Manhattan, Annette
1996: Gin-chan's Love (Bow), Tamami
1996: Me and My Girl (Chunichi), Mrs. Worthington-Worthington
1995: Me and My Girl
1995: Lone Wolf, (Bow Hall) Alicia
1995: Hard-Boiled Egg / Exotica!
1994: Growing Up (Bow Hall)
1994: The Afterglow of Eire / Takarazuka Ole!, Helen
1994: Gone with the Wind
1993: Kasenshou / The Door to Here / Million Dreams
1993: Lost Angel (Bow Hall)
1993: Grand Hotel / Broadway Boys, Old woman
1992: Puck / Memories of You
1992: Cafe Carnival / Dreamy Fragrance
1992: Count Down! (Nippon Seinenkan / Aichi)
1991: Silver Wolf / Break the Border!
1991: Rose of Versaille: Oscar
1991: Count Down 1991 (Bow Hall)
1990: The Kawagiri Bridge / Love Potion
1990: Angel's Smile, Devil's Tears / Red Hot Love (National Tour)
1990: Great Expectations / The Modern
1990: Angel's Smile, Devil's Tears / Red Hot Love (National Tour)
1989: Angel's Smile, Devil's Tears / Red Hot Love
1989: Waterfront Lullaby (Bow Hall)
1989: The New Tale of Genji / The Dreamer, Chuunagon
1989: Lovers' Suicide (Bow)
1988-89: Love and a Foghorn and a Silver Watch / Rainbow Shower
1988: Red Flower of Tahiti / Viva! Shiva!
1987-88: Me and My Girl
1987: Whirlwind of Youth (Bow Hall)
1987: Me and My Girl
1986-87: Paris, That's a Sad Sonata / La Nostalgie
1986: Lotus Legend (Bow Hall)
1986: Fans of Many Flowers -An Ode to Summer- / Sorrow
1985-86: The Legend of the Pulsing Flower / The Swing
1985: A Tale of Two Cities / Heat Wave (Tokyo)
1992: Cafe Carnival, Marquita
1991: Silver Wolf
1991: Rose of Versaille: Oscar, Marronglace
1990: The Kawagiri Bridge, O-tsune
1990: Great Expectations, Molly
1989: Angel's Smile, Devil's Tears
1989: The New Tale of Genji, Shounagon
1988-89: Love and a Foghorn and a Silver Watch
1988: Red Flower of Tahiti
1987-88: Me and My Girl
1987: Me and My Girl
1986-87: Paris, That's a Sad Sonata
1986: Sorrow
1985-86: The Legend of the Pulsing Flower
1985: A Tale of Two Cities (Tokyo)
1995: '95 TCA Special - Magnifique Takarazuka
1993: Gone with the Wind Eve of Festivities
1987: '87 TMP Music Festival - La Chanson