Hamuro Chiari

Picture Credit: lokai / Never Say Goodbye Program // Otome 2003
Name: Hamuro Chiari
Kanji: 葉室 ちあ理
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Chiari
Real Name: Nakamura Youko (中村 容子)
Height: 161cm
Birthday: March 3
Blood Type:
Hometown: Meguro, Tokyo
Favorite Food: fruit, Japanese food
Favorite Flower: rose
Favorite Colors: pink, red, white
Collections: accessories
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: received it from a person she respects
Favorite Role: La Passionaria from the Never Say Goodbye shinjin kouen
Would Like to Try Playing: an etoile
Debut: 2002 (88th Class) The Prague Spring
Troupe History:
2002 - 2007 Cosmos Troupe
2007: Valencian Passion / Space Fantasista!
2007: Never Sleep (Bow Hall / Nippon Seinenkan), Margaret Horner
2006-07: Sketches from the Life of Ryoma Sakamoto / The Classical Music ~I Love Chopin~
2006: Understudy (Bow Hall), Maria McDuff
2006: Never Say Goodbye
2005: A Kiss to the Flames / Neo Voyage
2005: Hotel Stella Maris / The Legend of the Revue (National Tour), Rachel
2005: Hotel Stella Maris / The Legend of the Revue
2004: Phantom
2004: Boxman (Nippon Seinenkan / Drama City)
2003-04: Lightning in the Daytime / Temptation!
2003: Pierre the Mercenary / The Star Dust Party
2003: Hey, Mr. Spring Wind / Spring Again (Bow Hall), Young Girl / Village Woman
2002: Legend of the Phoenix -Calaf & Turandot- / The Showstopper
2002: The Prague Spring / Lucky Star! (Grand Theater)
2007: Valencian Passion, Barbara
2006: Never Say Goodbye, La Passionaria
2005: A Kiss to the Flames, Piira
2005: Hotel Stella Maris, Betty
2004: Phantom, Phantom's Follower
2003-04: Lightning in the Daytime, Paulette
2003: Pierre the Mercenary
2002: Legend of the Phoenix -Calaf & Turandot-
2002: The Prague Spring (Grand Theater)
2006: Dream Memorandum
2006: Cosmos Troupe Encourage Concert
2005: Sol y Sombra (Hatsukaze Midori Dinner Show)
2004: Angels in Harmony
- Member of the 3rd group of Sky Fairies.