Suzumiya Ranna


Suzumiya Ranna OFF Suzumiya Ranna ON

Picture Credit: yaomeis | The Takarazuka VIII: Moon Troupe / In the Amber-Hued Rain Programme

Standard Profile Information

Name: Suzumiya Ranna
Kanji: 涼宮 蘭奈
Current Troupe: Moon
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Current

Nickname: Meimei
Height: 168 cm
Birthday: June 1st
Blood Type:
Hometown: Kakegawa
Favorite Food: her mother's cooking, hot pot cooking​、fruit
Favorite Flower: moth orchid, blue rose
Favorite Colors: black, purple
Hobbies: reading, movie appreciation
Collections: Pooh and Ghibli goods
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: received one kanji from someone she respected and then thought of it with her family
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: many different roles

Debut: 2020 (106th Class) Welcome to Takarazuka / A Farce in Pigalle
Troupe History:
2020 - Current Moon Troupe


2024-25: Golden Liberty / Phoenix Rising
2024: In the Amber-Hued Rain / Grande Takarazuka 110! (National Tour), Henri
2024: Eternal Voice / Grande Takarazuka 110!
2024: Golden Dead Schiele (Bow Hall), Line Drawing Dancer (Male)
2023: Flügel / A Kaleidoscope of Life, Hotel staff[1]
2023: Death Takes a Holiday (Tokyu Theater Orb)
2023: Ohten no Mon / Deep Sea
2022: Black Jack -A Lucky Bet- / Full Swing! (National Tour)
2022: The Great Gatsby
2022: Rain on Neptune (Maihama Amphitheater), Diamond Fragment
2022: Color Me True / Full Swing!
2021: The Kawagiri Bridge / Dream Chaser (Hakataza), Mankichi
2021: Ouranki / Dream Chaser
2020-21: Welcome to Takarazuka / A Farce in Pigalle

Shinjin Kouen Roles

2024-25: Golden Liberty, Keith (HY: Nanashiro Miyabi)
2024: Eternal Voice, Sebastian (HY: Kashiro Aoi)
2023: Flügel, Klaus Schulz / Reporter (HY: Ayaji Yurika / Mahiro Ren)
2023: Ohten no Mon, Daishi / Korenori (HY: Yui Karen / Mahiro Ren)
2022: The Great Gatsby, Eddie Nicholson (HY: Ayami Sera)
2022: Color Me True, Yotsuike (HY: Mahiro Ren)
2021: Ouranki, Hyouroku (HY: Ayaoto Sena)

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

YEAR: Name of Show


  1. Mahiro Ren was absent from the Tokyo run of Flügel / A Kaleidoscope of Life from 10/18 to 10/20. Suzumiya Ranna covered her role of Reporter in Flügel. Additionally, Ayaoto Sena was absent from the same show from 11/09 to 11/14. Suzumiya Ranna covered her role of Illusionary Man in Scene 12 of A Kaleidoscope of Life.

Created by zaraphena. Last Modification: Monday 04 of November, 2024 00:40:26 GMT-0000 by yaomeis.
