Ouma Shion

Picture Credit: The Takarazuka V: Flower Troupe | Ocean's 11 Program
Name: Ouma Shion
Kanji: 桜舞 しおん
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Riho
Height: 169 cm
Birthday: September 11th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Kitakyūshū City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Favorite Food: fruit, her mother's cooking, cafe au lait
Favorite Flower: cosmos, cherry blossoms
Favorite Colors: black, blue, purple
Hobbies: theatre-going
Collections: belts, hats
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: her father gave it to her
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: Rudolph from Elisabeth
Debut: 2010 (96th Class) The Scarlet Pimpernel
Troupe History:
2010 - 2018 Flower Troupe
2018: Messiah / Beautiful Garden, Akahoshi Shuuho
2018: Love Blooms Out on the Murasakino / Santé!! (Hakataza), Kima
2018: The Poe Clan
2017: Haikara-san: Here Comes Miss Modern (Drama City / Nippon Seinenkan), Zushi
2017: Wind Over Yamatai-koku / Santé!!
2017: Romanesque Mask / Exciter!! 2017 (National Tour), Fresnay
2016-17: Snowflake Anthology / Golden Desert
2016: I Love Einstein (Bow Hall)
2016: Me and My Girl
2016: Ernest in Love (Umeda / Chunichi), Londoner, Villager, Servant
2015: The New Tale of Genji / Melodia
2015: The Rose of Versailles / Takarazuka Fantasia (Umeda / Taiwan Tour), Village Man
2015: Embraced by the Seas of Calista / Takarazuka Fantasia
2015: Ernest In Love (Tokyo Int'l Forum)
2014: Elisabeth
2014: The Rose of Versailles: Fersen and Marie Antoinette (Chunichi), Villager
2014: The Love of the Last Tycoon / Takarazuka Dazzling Dreams
2013: The Poem of Love and Revolution / Mr. Swing!
2013: Sengoku Basara (Tokyu Theater Orb)
2013: Ocean's 11
2012: Victorian Jazz (Bow Hall)
2012: Saint-Exupéry / Conga!!
2012: Resurrection / Canon ~Our Melody~
2011: Phantom, Company Member
2011: Prelude of Love / Le Paradis!!
2010: Sabrina / Exciter!!
2010: The Scarlet Pimpernel (Grand Theater)
2016-17: Golden Desert, Sonailu
2016: Me and My Girl, Bob Barking
2015: The New Tale of Genji, Prince Suzaku / Amagimi
2015: Embraced by the Seas of Calista, Louis Albani
2014: Elisabeth, Young Rudolph
2014: The Love of the Last Tycoon, Robinson
2013: The Poem of Love and Revolution
2013: Ocean's 11, Bob
2012: Saint-Exupéry, Newspaper Reporter
2012: Resurrection, Soldier (HY: Taiga Rin)
2011: Phantom, Policeman (HY: Haryuu Mitsuki), Phantom's Follower
2011: Prelude of Love
2010: Sabrina
2010: The Scarlet Pimpernel (Grand Theater)
YEAR: Name of Show