Kouno Marika

Picture Credit: 2001 Otome
Name: Kouno Marika
Kanji: 香乃 毬花
Current Troupe: Retired
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Maruko, Inomaru, Mayumi
Real Name: 井上真由美 (Inoue Mayumi)
Height: 156 cm
Birthday: February 10
Blood Type:
Hometown: Seto, Aichi
Favorite Food: She'll eat anything.
Favorite Flower: roses, cosmos, wildflowers
Favorite Colors: pink, purple
Hobbies: traveling, kabuki appreciation, going to hotsprings, shopping
Special Talent: baton
Origin of Stage Name: She thought of it with her family
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1993 (79th Class) Broadway Boys
Troupe History:
1994 - 2002 Flower Troupe
2001: Michelangelo / Viva!
2000-01: Ludwig II / Asian Sunrise
2000: Lived in A Dream / The Beauties!
2000: Tango Argentino / The Revue IV (Chunichi), Madame Gautier
1999: Tango Argentino / The Revue '99
1999: Japan Overture
1998-99: Endless Love (Bow Hall)
1998: Speakeasy / Sniper
1998: Pale Dawn (Nippon Seinenkan)
1997: That's Revue
1997: Gone with the Wind, Betty
1997: Hollywood Babylon / Southern Cross Revue
1996-97: Hong Kong Nocturne (Bow Hall)
1996: How to Succeed
1996: Hana wa Hana nari / Hyperion
1995: East of Eden / Dandyism!
1995: Sorrowful Córdoba / Mega Vision
1994: Winter Storm ~Death in St. Petersburg~ / Hyper Stage!
1994: Black Jack / Phoenix
1993: Seal of Bourbon / Côte d'Azur (Takarazuka)
1993: Grand Hotel / Broadway Boys (Tokyo)
2000: Lived in A Dream
1999: Tango Argentino, Elise
1999: Japan Overture, Jeanne / Chindon'ya (clarinet)
1998: Speakeasy, Rebecca
1997: That's Revue
1997: Hollywood Babylon, Journalist
1996: How to Succeed
1996: Hyperion
1995: East of Eden
1995: Sorrowful Córdoba
1994: Winter Storm ~Death in St. Petersburg~
1994: Black Jack
YEAR: Name of Show