Asakura Momoko

Picture Credit: 2006 Otome
Name: Asakura Momoko
Kanji: 麻倉 ももこ
Current Troupe: Retired
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Momogon, Momoko
Height: 159 cm
Birthday: March 21st
Blood Type: A
Hometown: Itoshima, Fukuoka
Favorite Food: "Pagu" soup, "Ichiran" ramen, "Michelbach" bookies
Favorite Flower: babys' breath, tulips
Favorite Colors: pink, white, yellow
Hobbies: Going to baseball games
Collections: jewelry, DVDs, cookbooks
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: Thought of it with her family
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: A mean role
Debut: 2000 (86th Class) Lived in a Dream
Troupe History:
2000 - 2006 Snow Troupe
2006: The Rose of Versailles
2005: Silver Wolf / Wonderland (national tour)
2005: Silver Wolf/Wonderland , Claire
2005: Milan Wrapped in a Fog/Wonderland
2005: Sleeping Moon (Drama City), Utsugi
2004-05: In Quest of the Blue Bird / Takarazuka's Dream Kingdom
2004: A Dream One Day (Drama City), Sarah
2004: Susano-o / Takarazuka Glory!
2004: Romance de Paris / Les Collages (Chunichi), Haifa
2003: Romance de Paris / Les Collages, Haifa
2003: American Pie (Bow Hall), Helen
2003: Romance de Paris / Les Collages, Haifa
2003: Haru Futatabi, Kino
2003: In the Tender Light of a Fine Spring / Joyful!!
2002: Saikai / The Splendor of 1000 Beats 2002 (national tour)
2002: Memories of Barcelona / On the Fifth
2001-02: Flaming Love / Rose Garden
2001: Arch of Triumph / Passage (Hakataza)
2001: In Search of El Dorado / Passage
2000: Department Store / Arch of Triumph (Tokyo)
2000: Golden Pharaoh / Miracat, Crazy Cat, Miracat
2006: The Rose of Versailles, Marronglace
2005: Milan Wrapped in a Fog, Mona
2004-05: In Quest of the Blue Bird
2004: Susano-o
2003: Romance de Paris
2003: In the Tender Light of a Fine Spring
2002: Memories of Barcelona, Juliette
2001-02: Flaming Love
2001: In Search of El Dorado
2000: Arch of Triumph (Tokyo)
2002: Off (Takashiro Kei Dinner Show)
2002: TCA Special 2002 - Love