Chinami Jun

Picture Credit: jenebi / Love Story of a Castle in the Foggy Night Original Program | zephy / Graph, October 1965
Name: Chinami Jun
Kanji: 千波 淳
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Yakko, Akko
Height: 162cm
Birthday: March 2nd
Blood Type:
Hometown: Tokyo
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
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Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1955 (42nd Class) Spring Dance
Troupe History:
1967 - 1969 Moon Troupe
1962 - 1967 Star Troupe
1956 - 1962 Snow Troupe
1969: The Tale of a Cowherder / Wuthering Heights, Sakon-no-Shoushou / Hindley
1968-69: West Side Story, Bernardo
1968: The Tale of a Cow Herder / Rhapsody, Sakon no Shoushou / Captain Lambert
1968: Three Generation of Dance / High Bright, Hanahiko
1967: Farewell, My Youth / One World, Latin Man / Tomas
1967: Farewell, My Youth / One Boy, Tomas / The Villain
1967: Hanafuryuu / One World, Singing Man / Dancing Man
1967: Unforgettable Song / Cheers for Takarasienne!, Harry
1966: Love Story of a Castle in the Foggy Night / Esquire Girls, Sophia
1966: The Capital's River / Three Bridegrooms / When Two People Meet
1966: Japan Festival / Love Story of a Castle in the Foggy Night
1965: Nayotake's Love / La Granada
1965: Esquire Girls / Lucienne's Mirror
1965: Bravo the Sun! / Lucienne's Mirror, Jean / Georges
1964: Shangrila, Lozhan
1964: The Rainbow Music Box Factory / Red Flower of Tahiti, Tefla
1963: The Rainbow Music Box Factory / Invitation to the Revue (Moon/Star), Young employee
1963: Echo Maiden / Yume no Saburou / Rhythm in Christmas
1962: South Japan / Carmen on the Caribbean, Masse
1960: Princess Kuroaza and the Charcoal Maker / Let Me Die In Your Arms (Star)
1959: North American Tour
1958: High School Kids / Tanuki Goten (Flower)
YEAR: Name of Performance, Name of Role
YEAR: Name of Show
- Her sisters are Chinami Shizuka (44 class) and Chinami Kaoru (48 class), her niece is Chinami Yuu (76 class).