Amato Riira

Picture Credit: The Takarazuka V: Moon Troupe | Algiers no Otoko program book
Name: Amato Riira
Kanji: 天翔 りいら
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Yaika, Aika
Height: 168 cm
Birthday: February 2nd
Blood Type: B
Hometown: Sakai
Favorite Food: citrus fruits
Favorite Flower: rose
Favorite Colors: blue, black, white
Hobbies: reading, shopping
Collections: accessories
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 2008 (94th Class) Me and My Girl
Troupe History:
2008 - 2013 Moon Troupe
2013: The Rose of Versailles: Oscar and Andre
2012: Too Short a Time to Fall in Love / Heat on Beat! (National Tour)
2012: Roméo & Juliette, a Capulet
2012: Edward VIII / Misty Station, Horace Wilson
2011: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / Dance Romanesque (National Tour)
2011: The Man from Algiers / Dance Romanesque
2011: Prince of the Land of Roses / ONE
2011: Dancing Heroes (Bow Hall)
2010: The Gypsy Baron / Rhapsodic Moon
2010: The Scarlet Pimpernel
2010: Yukariko / Heat On Beat! (Chunichi), Ryu Kumenosuke
2009: Last Play / Heat on Beat!
2009: Elisabeth
2009: The Two Noble Kinsmen (Bow Hall), Snout
2008-09: Yume no Ukihashi / Apasionado!!
2008: Me and My Girl (Tokyo)
2013: The Rose of Versailles: Oscar and Andre, Girodelle
2012: Roméo & Juliette, The Prince of Verona
2012: Edward VIII, "Fruity" Metcalfe
2011: The Man from Algiers, Paul
2011: Prince of the Land of Roses, Woodpecker
2010: The Gypsy Baron
2010: The Scarlet Pimpernel
2009: Last Play
2009: Elisabeth, Black Angel
2008-09: Yume no Ukihashi
2008: Me and My Girl
2007: Pure, Proper, Beautiful
2019: The Rose of Versailles 45 (OG Performance)
2014: Celebration 100! Takarazuka