Sayo Natsumi

Picture Credit: Zephy, Wuthering Heights program / Otome 1969
Name: Sayo Natsumi
Kanji: 砂夜 なつみ
Current Troupe: Retired
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Abe-chan
Height: 160 cm
Birthday: March 16
Blood Type:
Hometown: Tokyo
Favorite Food: fruit
Favorite Flower: roses, sweetpea
Favorite Colors: green, white, black
Hobbies: music appreciation, reading
Collections: records
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role: Anita from West Side Story
Would Like to Try Playing: wants to sing to her heart's content
Debut: 1965 (51st Class) We Love Flowers
Troupe History:
1970 - 1972 Star Troupe
1965 - 1970 Moon Troupe
1972: Someday We'll Meet / Nova Bossa Nova
1972: Someday We'll Meet / Concerto of Love
1971: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / My Broadway, Jerime
1971: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / Concerto of Love, Jerime
1971: For as Long as I Live / Nova Bossa Nova, Osode / Labios
1971: Meadow of Stars / Oh! Beautiful, Kazawa Sayo
1970: Gypsy Lord / Lovers, Lisa
1970: Seagulls! Crossing the Rough Sea / The Prelude to Adolescence, Kayo
1970: Fireman's Battle Song / Hello! Takarazuka
1970: Takarazuka Expo '70: Flower of Takarazuka / Hello! Takarazuka
1970: Ibaraki Douji / Young Guy!
1969: Noto Love Song / Love Parade
1969: The End of the Surging Waves / Aria in Jazz
1969: Fireman's Battle Song / Wuthering Heights, Ohana / Isabella
1969: Three Generations of Dance / Aria in Jazz
1969: The Tale of a Cowherder / Wuthering Heights, Chigusa / Isabella
1968-69: West Side Story, Anita
1968: The Tale of a Cow Herder / Rhapsody
1968: Three Generation of Dance / High Bright
1967-68: Addio Amore / Wonderful Town
1970: Young Guy!
1969: The End of the Surging Waves, Yilan (lead musumeyaku)
1969: Wuthering Heights, Catherine (lead musumeyaku)
1969: Wuthering Heights, Catherine (lead musumeyaku)
YEAR: Name of Show
- Graduated at the top of the 51st class