Hinatsu Yuri

Picture Credit: Zephy | 1959 Otome / The Tale of a Cow Herder (1969)
Name: Hinatsu Yuri
Kanji: 日夏 悠理 (Formerly 日夏 有里)
Current Troupe: Retired
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Micchan
Height: 158 cm
Birthday: July 21
Blood Type:
Hometown: Ashiya
Favorite Food:
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Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1954 (41st Class) Spring Dance
Troupe History:
1966 - 1969 Moon Troupe
1961 - 1966 Snow Troupe
1954 - 1961 Moon Troupe
1969: The Tale of a Cowherder / Wuthering Heights, Yarusena-hime
1968: The Tale of a Cow Herder / Rhapsody, Yarusena-hime
1968: Three Generation of Dance / High Bright
1967-68: Addio Amore / Wonderful Town
1967: Heey, Harukaze-san / Beside the Foggy Elbe, Suzanne Schrack
1966: Murasaki Shikibu / Love Love Love (Grand Theater), Sayuu Emonnonaishi
1966: Exotic Folding Screen / The Spring Breeze and a Violin
1965: Yoritomo of Izu / Golden Shadow
1965: Yohi and Baihi / The Blue Suitcase, Daiyu / Yuri Yamamoto
1964: Living in the Sea / Broadway Tempest
1964: Sasashirou's Flute / Angkor Wat
1964: Red Flower of Tahiti / This is Takarazuka! (Shinjuku Koma Stadium), Napuka
1963: Highway Blues / Like the Burning Wings of a Phoenix
1962: South Japan / Carmen on the Caribbean, Canita
1959: North American Tour
1957: Rainbow Takarazuka / Indian Love Call
1959: Kappa of Love, Yuuzuki-hime
YEAR: Name of Show
None yet.