Meika Rara
Picture Credit: mizukusa // Solomon no Yubiwa / Mariposa no Hana programme still / Otome 2008
Name: Meika Rara
Kanji: 芽華らら
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Rara, Akko
Height: 159 cm
Birthday: August 31st
Blood Type:
Hometown: Ibaraki
Favorite Food: strawberries, cheese, western sweets
Favorite Flower: roses
Favorite Colors: pink
Hobbies: shopping, enjoying music
Collections: accessories, cute things and sundries
Special Talent: unicycling
Origin of Stage Name: She created it with the advice of many people.
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: She wants to try different kinds of roles.
Debut: 2008 (94th Class) Me and My Girl
Troupe History:
2008 - 2014 Snow Troupe
2013-14 Shall We Dance / CONGRATULATIONS Takarazuka!!
2013: Rose of Versailles: Fersen
2013: Wakaki Hi no Uta wa Wasureji / Shining Rhythm! (Chunichi), Satake's wife
2012: JIN / Gold Spark!, Tekomaki
2012: Footloose (Umeda / Hakataza)
2012: Don Carlos / Shining Rhythm!
2011: The Man in the Iron Mask / Royal Straight Flush!!
2011: How to Succeed (Drama City)
2011: Dark Brown Eyes / Rock On! (National Tour)
2011: Romeo & Juliette
2010: Roget / Rock On!
2010: The Dawn at Solferino / Carnevale: A Sleeping Dream
2009: Russian Blue -Malleus Maleficarum- / Rio de Bravo!!
2009: Nishiki-e of the Wind / Zorro - The Masked Messiah
2008: King Solomon's Ring / La Mariposa
2013-14 Shall We Dance / CONGRATULATIONS Takarazuka!!, Old Person
2013: Rose of Versailles: Fersen, City Woman
2012: JIN, Ohana
2012: Don Carlos
2011: The Man in the Iron Mask
2011: Romeo & Juliette
2010: Roget
2010: The Dawn at Solferino, Eliana
2009: Zorro
2008: La Mariposa
2008: Me and My Girl (Grand Theater)
2007: Pure, Proper, Beautiful
- Blog.