Kamogawa Shibuki

Picture Credit: Otome 1982 | Rainbow Bridge program
Name: Kamogawa Shibuki
Kanji: 加茂川 志ぶき
Current Troupe:
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Akko
Height: 165 cm
Birthday: March 15th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Osaka
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors:
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: from Maho Shibuki's and Kamo Sakura's stage names
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1978 Festival Fantasy
Troupe History:
1979 - 1985 Star Troupe
1985: Sorrowful Cordoba / Lumiere (Grand Theater)
1984: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / Love Express
1984: Carousel (Bow Hall), Heavenly Friend
1984: Prayer Mandala / Plus One
1984: Rhapsody in Blue (Bow Hall)
1983: The Man From Algiers / The Storm (Tokyo)
1983: The Window of Orpheus
1983: Spring, When the Magnolias Bloom / Love Connection
1982: Aegean Sea Blues / The Storm
1982: A Small Flower Has Bloomed / Fascination, Chuuji
1982: Unforgettable Song (Bow Hall)
1982: The Adventures of Papii from the Planet Mir / Fascination
1981: The Samurai's Poem in the Rumbling of the Sea / Crescendo!
1981: Dawn of Lombardia (Bow Hall)
1981: A Small Flower Has Bloomed / La Vie en Rose, Chuuji
1980: Beautiful, Secret Seasons / New Fancy Game
1980: Anatole (Bow Hall)
1980: My Song Resounds! -Beautiful, Secret Seasons- / Fancy Game
1980: Rainbow Bridge (Bow Hall), Sachs
1980: Adventurers in Love / Festa Festa
1980: The Star Antares / Rose Fantasia
1979: The Star Antares / Rose Panic
1979: Romeo and Juliet (Bow Hall - Moon)
1984: My Love Lies Over the Mountains, Eijun
1984: Plus One
1983: The Man From Algiers (Tokyo)
1983: The Window of Orpheus
1983: Spring, When the Magnolias Bloom
1982: Aegean Sea Blues, Raymond / Count Saval
1982: A Small Flower Has Bloomed, Sukejirou
1982: The Adventures of Papii from the Planet Mir
1981: The Samurai's Poem in the Rumbling of the Sea
1981: A Small Flower Has Bloomed
1980: Beautiful, Secret Seasons
1980: My Song Resounds! -Beautiful, Secret Seasons-
1980: Adventurers in Love
1980: The Star Antares
1979: The Star Antares
1982: The Takarazuka: Japan Fantasy / Takarazuka Dream (SE Asia Tour)