Godai Katsura



Picture Credit: "The Rose of Versailles" Book 1989 (Kavo)

Standard Profile Information

Name: Godai Katsura
Kanji: 醐代 かつら
Current Troupe: Retired
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Marin, Mari
Height: 165.5
Birthday: August 24
Blood Type:
Hometown: Kōchi-ken, Kōchi-shi
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors:
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: geographical
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:

Debut: 1983 (69th Class) Spring Dance
Troupe History:
1983 - 1990 Snow Troupe


1990: The Castle Tower Enveloped in the Smell of Flowers / Bright Delight Time (Takarazuka), Ishido (a follower of Kojiro)
1989: Rose of Versailles -Andre and Oscar-
1989: Chronicles of Tamayura / Dynamo! (National Tour)
1989: Monsieur du Paris / La Passion!, Sergeant Abbott
1988: Chronicles of Tamayura / Dynamo!
1988: The Legend of Ōeyama / The Revuescope (National Tour)
1988: Redhead (Bow Hall), Inspector White
1988: Gone With the Wind
1987: Pear Blossoms - Dancing in the Palace / The Revuescope
1987: Poem of Proud Love (Bow Hall)
1987: Takarazuka Dance Eulogy / The Red Rose of Samarkand
1986: Love's Checkered Flag (Bow Hall)
1986: Three Waltzes
1986: Valentino (Bow Hall)
1986: The Legend of Ōeyama / Sky High Sky
1985: Black Tulip (Bow Hall)
1985: Kaleidoscope of Love / And Now!
1985: Hana Mugen / Habatake Ougon no Tsubasa yo
1984: Love and Fire / Full Beat
1984: Gone With the Wind
1983: Mayerling / Happy Ending Story
1983: Blue Jasmine / Happy Ending Story
1983: Spring Dance / Moonlight Romance, Cat Girl

Shinjin Kouen Roles

1989: Rose of Versailles -Andre and Oscar-
1989: Monsieur du Paris, Robin
1988: Chronicles of Tamayura, Prince Nagaya
1988: Gone with the Wind, Stanley
1987: Pear Blossoms - Dancing in the Palace, Ahmad
1987: The Red Rose of Samarkand, Superintendent General of the Metropolitan Police
1986: Three Waltzes, Baron Schwarzenegg / Head Server Eugen
1986: The Legend of Ōeyama
1985: Kaleidoscope of Love, Tom
1985: Habatake Ougon no Tsubasa yo
1984: Love and Fire
1984: Gone With the Wind
1983: Mayerling (Tokyo)
1983: Blue Jasmine

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

1989: TAKARAZUKA: Takarazuka Dance Eulogy / Takarazuka Forever (New York Tour)


Created by taelle. Last Modification: Friday 10 of July, 2020 15:37:06 GMT-0000 by caithion.
