Beautiful Young Warrior / Funny Feeling

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Show Information
English Title: Beautiful Young Warrior / Funny Feeling
Japanese Title: 花の若武者 / ファニー・フィーリング
Romanized Title: Hana no Wakamusha / Fanii Fiiringu

Troupe: Star
Year: 1974
Performances: National Tour, 09/06 - 09/25
Shinjin Kouen Performances: n/a

Beautiful Young Warrior:

Based On:
Author/Director: Ueda Shinji
Conductor (Takarazuka): n/a
Conductor (Tokyo): n/a

Funny Feeling:

Based On:
Author/Director: Kamogawa Seisaku
Conductor (Takarazuka): n/a
Conductor (Tokyo): n/a

Available on DVD: No
Available on Blu-Ray: No
DVD Scene/Music Cuts: n/a


OniwakaOotori Ran
Azusa, Oniwaka's younger sister

Other Cast: Miyoshi Sakuko, Ruri Toyomi, Oozora Midori, Tsubaki Yuri, Tajima Kumi, Ashita Michiko, Chiga Teruko, Sotoori Tsukiko, Midori Misa, Ryuu Etsuyo, Mokari Otoe, Miyo Masaru, Chigi Takashi, Sawa Kaori, Makihara Naoki, Anri Kozue, Agata Emi, Nao Hiroki, Kazu Michiru, Nami Watari, Hiro Yuri, Tsukishiro Chiharu, Mafune Yutaka, Hoshina Sawako, Azuma Chiaki, Uzuki Chika, Nao Honoka, Wakazuki Kaoru, Fuji Kyouko, Yamana Yuka, Sumi Natsuko, Akashi Jun †, Yume Madoka, Kiryuu Noboru



Beautiful Young Warrior

A grand romance set in the Heian Period about the younger days of Minamoto no Yoshitsune (Ushiwaka) and Saitou Benkei (Oniwaka), as well as Oniwaka's younger sister Azusa.

This was a time when the Taira Clan was thriving, and when they said "If you aren't a Genji, you're no one." A puppeteer troupe comes to perform on the grounds of the Buddhist temple of Jingo-ji in Kyoto. Among them are the siblings Oniwaka and Azusa.

Oniwaka had entered the priesthood, but because of his humble birth it was a difficult situation, so he returned to secular life and became a bodyguard. Oniwaka is unhappy with the oppression of the Taira Clan, so when he meets Ushiwaka and discernes clearly that he will become a great leader who will overthrow the Taira, Oniwaka decides to throw in his lot with Ushiwaka.

However, Ushiwaka has never felt that he would be able to become strong, so while Oniwaka and Kaison and those around him naively believe in a peace they can make, he decides to become a Genji heir.

After that the only one to trust Ushiwaka is Asuza.

The two have similar backgrounds and are deeply in love, but Azusa realizes that their circumstances have become too different and that they cannot be together.

Then, when he is 16, Ushiwaka accomplishes what he had set his heart on. And on the day he sets out from Hiraizumi, the man at the forefront of Yoshitsune's followers is Benkei....

Funny Feeling

A revue show containing a black and white decorating theme, up-tempo music, comical scenes with a priest and nuns, as well as a harem tragedy.

Other Information

  • Akashi Jun is listed on the show poster as being in the September national tour, but is listed in the 100th anniversary book as retiring in June.


None yet.

Merchandise Cover Art

None Yet
None Yet
None Yet
None Yet

Created by caithion. Last Modification: Sunday 10 of November, 2019 20:58:44 GMT-0000 by caithion.
