Takatoo Suzu

Picture Credit: Otome 2011 | Phantom Program
Name: Takatoo Suzu
Kanji: 貴遠 すず
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Nisshii
Height: 159cm
Birthday: July 4th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Saga City, Saga Prefecture
Favorite Food: her mother's cooking, omelet rice, sweets
Favorite Flower: tulips, roses
Favorite Colors: pink, purple
Hobbies: shopping, lazing around, watching movies
Collections: accessories, cute little things
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: received ideas from many different people
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: would like to take on various roles
Debut: 2011 (97th Class) A Second Fortuitous Meeting
Troupe History:
2012 - 2013 Star Troupe
2012-13: Takarazuka Japonisme / A Second Fortuitous Meeting 2nd / Etoile de Takarazuka
2012: In the Amber-Hued Rain / Celebrity (National Tour), Marguerite
2012: Danza Serenata / Celebrity
2011-12: Ocean's 11
2011: Phantom, Company Member
2011: Nova Bossa Nova / A Second Fortuitous Meeting (Grand Theater)
2012-13: A Second Fortuitous Meeting 2nd / Etoile de Takarazuka
2012: Danza Serenata
YEAR: Name of Show
- Part of "Group B" of the 97th class, which performed with Flower and Star Troupes before receiving official troupe assignments in February 2012.