Nanami Hikaru

Picture Credit: "The Rose of Versailles" Book 1991 (Kavo)
Name: Nanami Hikaru
Kanji: 七海 光
Current Troupe:
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Nao-chan
Height: 169 cm
Blood Type:
Hometown: Kobe, Hyogo
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors:
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1988 (74th Class) Kiss Me Kate
Troupe History:
1988 - 1991 Moon Troupe
1991: Silver Wolf / Break the Border! †
1991: Rose of Versailles: Oscar
1990: The Kawagiri Bridge / Love Potion
1990: Angel's Smile, Devil's Tears / Red Hot Love (National Tour)
1990: Great Expectations / The Modern
1990: Angel's Smile, Devil's Tears / Red Hot Love (National Tour)
1989: Angel's Smile, Devil's Tears / Red Hot Love
1989: The New Tale of Genji / The Dreamer
1988-89: Love and a Foghorn and a Silver Watch / Rainbow Shower
1988: Red Flower of Tahiti / Viva! Shiva!
1991: Silver Wolf
1991: Rose of Versailles -Oscar-
1990: The Kawagiri Bridge
1990: Great Expectations
1989: Angel's Smile, Devil's Tears
1989: The New Tale of Genji
1988-89: Love and a Foghorn and a Silver Watch
1988: Red Flower of Tahiti
YEAR: Name of Show
† Retired during the performance run.