Matsukaze Ryou



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Standard Profile Information

Name: Matsukaze Ryou
Kanji: 松風 良
Current Troupe:
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired

Nickname: Ryou
Height: 172 cm
Birthday: March 7th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Yokohama
Favorite Food: nigiri sushi, pudding
Favorite Flower: orange roses
Favorite Colors: black, pink, white
Hobbies: jigsaw puzzles
Collections: watches, stuffed animals
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: Johnny from "Johnny On the Hill"

Debut: 1984 (70th Class) Gone with the Wind
Troupe History:
1984 - 1991 Star Troupe


1991: Portraits of Lovers / Narcisse Noir
1991: Pal Joey (Bow Hall)
1990-91: The Apollon Mystery / Jesus Diamante
1990: Mayflower / Takarazuka Revue '90
1989-90: Sicilian Wind (Bow / Yupoto), Secretary
1989-90: The Rose of Versailles -Fersen and Marie-Antoinette-
1989: Spring Dance / Diga Diga Doo
1989: War and Peace (Chunichi)
1988: War and Peace
1988: Midnight City Romance (Bow Hall), President Reeseman
1988: Fiery Bolero / Too Hot!
1987: Yukariko / Jubilee Time!
1987: Green Sleeves (Bow Hall), George Cameron
1987: Portraits of Parting
1986: Magnificent Fantasia / Boogie Woogie Folies
1986: Revue Symphony
1985: Flowers Strewn on the Western Sea / The Revue III
1985: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / Love Express (National Tour)
1985: Sorrowful Cordoba / Lumiere
1984: My Love Lies Over the Mountains / Love Express

Shinjin Kouen Roles

1990-91: The Apollon Mystery, Superintendent General of the Metropolitan Police
1990: Mayflower, Donald Kahn
1989-90: The Rose of Versailles, Count of Mercy-Argenteau
1989: Diga Diga Doo
1988: War and Peace, Count Nikolai Ilyich Rostov / Doctor Drubetskaya
1988: Fiery Bolero!
1987: Yukariko
1987: Portraits of Parting, Alf
1986: Magnificent Fantasia
1986: Revue Symphony, Cedric Ziegfeld
1985: Flowers Strewn on the Western Sea
1985: Sorrowful Cordoba
1984: My Love Lies Over the Mountains

Concerts, Dinner Shows, and Special Performances

1991: First Takarazuka Kyougenkai


Created by caithion. Last Modification: Sunday 17 of February, 2019 15:39:29 GMT-0000 by caithion.
