Kirihara Shouko

Picture Credit: Antony and Cleopatra program
Name: Kirihara Shouko
Kanji: 霧原 翔子
Current Troupe: n/a
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Azumi
Height: 160 cm
Birthday: September 22
Blood Type:
Hometown: Tokyo, Bunkyoku
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower: tulip
Favorite Colors: purple, black
Hobbies: driving, shopping
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: a friend thought of it
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1986 (72nd Class) Revue Symphony
Troupe History:
1986 - 1992 Flower Troupe
1992: Random Harvest / Fancy Touch
1992: A Small Flower Has Bloomed / Junction 24 (National Tour)
1992: The Red Poppies of Dnepr (Bow Hall), Vera
1992: Dance Festival / Spartacus
1991: The Emblem of Venezia / Junction 24, Roxana
1991: Chou-Saishi's Choice / The Flash!, Gyokuga
1991: The Beautiful Beast (Bow)
1990: The Prelude to Winter / The Showcase
1990: The Rose of Versailles -Fersen-
1990: El Amigo (Bow), Elba
1989-90: The Romanov Jewelry / Gitan des Gitans
1989: Congress Dances / The Game
1988: Takarazuka Dance Festival '88 / Spring Again / Forever! Takarazuka
1988: Time Adagio (Bow)
1988: Kiss Me Kate
1988: Velvet Color (Bow Hall)
1987: A Single Rose / The Revuescope
1987: You, Ablaze in Red (Bow Hall)
1987: The White Horizon / Show Up Show
1986: Antony and Cleopatra / The Heroes
1992: Random Harvest, Ella
1991: The Emblem of Venezia, Mellina
1991: Chou-Saishi's Choice
1990: The Prelude to Winter, Baroness Kessler (Takarazuka)
1990: The Rose of Versailles: Fersen, Countess Sissyna
1989-90: The Romanov Jewelry, Mama
1989: Congress Dances, Hanzi
1988: Spring Again / Forever! Takarazuka
1988: Kiss Me Kate
1987: A Single Rose
1987: The White Horizon
1986: Antony and Cleopatra
1989: '89 TMP Music Festival - That's Movie! II
1989: TAKARAZUKA: Takarazuka Dance Eulogy / Takarazuka Forever (New York Tour)
- Shiki Sumire (103rd class) is her daughter.
- Member of the Sumire Singers.