Himeno Ree

Picture Credit: Otome 2011 | TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!! program
Name: Himeno Ree
Kanji: ひめ乃 礼絵
Current Troupe:
Role: Musumeyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Rei
Real Name: Kawano Ree (川野礼絵)
Height: 160cm
Birthday: May 6th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Shibuya, Tokyo
Favorite Food: fruit
Favorite Flower: pink roses
Favorite Colors: baby pink
Hobbies: reading
Collections: accessories
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: received ideas from many people, then in the end chose by herself
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: various roles
Debut: 2011 (97th Class) A Second Fortuitous Meeting
Troupe History:
2012 - 2014 Moon Troupe
2014: Takarazuka Dance / Guide to the Future / TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!! (Hakataza)
2014: Takarazuka Dance / Guide to the Future / TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!!
2014: Gone with the Wind (Umeda Arts)
2013: Arsène Lupin / Fantastic Energy!
2013: Me and My Girl (Umeda Arts)
2013: The Rose of Versailles: Oscar and Andre
2012: Too Short a Time to Fall in Love / Heat on Beat! (National Tour)
2012: Roméo & Juliette
2011: Classico Italiano / Nice Guy!!
2011: Nova Bossa Nova / A Second Fortuitous Meeting
2014: Guide to the Future / TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!!
2013: Arsène Lupin
2013: The Rose of Versailles: Oscar and Andre
2012: Roméo & Juliette
YEAR: Name of Show
- Part of "Group A" of the 97th class, which performed with Star and Cosmos Troupes before receiving official troupe assignments in February 2012.
- Her immediate retirement was announced on August 14, 2014, at the beginning of rehearsals for Puck, making the Hakataza run of Takarazuka Dance / Guide to the Future / TAKARAZUKA Flower Poems 100!! her last show.