Hikari Kaoko
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Picture Credit: Yourwikiname
Name: Hikari Kaoko
Kanji: 光 香王子
Current Troupe:
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Tami-chan
Birthday: Feb. 16th
Blood Type:
Hometown: Fukushima Ward, Osaka
Favorite Food:
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Favorite Colors:
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1972 (58th Class) Kagura
Troupe History:
1973 - 1977 Snow Troupe
1977: Love Blooms Out on the Murasakino / The Revue (Grand Theater)
1977: Nightingale Song of Spring / Manhattan Rag
1976: Man of Starlight / Non, Non, Non
1976: Poem of the White Heron / Monsieur Papillon
1975-76: The Rose of Versailles -Andre & Oscar-
1975: Burning in Firenze / Bon Balance
1975: Burning in Firenze / The Star -Goodbye Maho Shibuki-
1974: Scarlet Camellia, Blooming in the Snow / Funky Jump
1974: Young Lion, Shake Your Mane / Inspiration
1974: Bridegroom Contest / Romance Romantique
1974: Bamboo / The Love Robbers
1973: Growing Up / The Love Robbers
1973: Bamboo / Cante Grande
1977: Love Blooms Out on the Murasakino (Grand Theater), Amano Inukai no Murajikatsumaro
1977: Nightingale Song of Spring
1976: Man of Starlight, Satou Chuushirou
1976: Monsieur Papillon, Kollo
1975-76: The Rose of Versailles -Andre & Oscar-
1975: Burning in Firenze (Tokyo)
1975: Burning in Firenze (Grand Theater)
1974: Young Lion, Shake Your Mane
1973: Growing Up
1973: Cante Grande
YEAR: Name of Show
- Member of the 9th group of Bambies.