Haruka Ikki

Picture Credit: psychoteffy
Name: Haruka Ikki
Kanji: 春鹿 一輝
Current Troupe:
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Hassei
Height: 168 cm
Birthday: June 15
Blood Type:
Hometown: Ashiya, Hogo Prefecture
Favorite Food:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Colors:
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name:
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing:
Debut: 1994 (80th Class) Phoenix
Troupe History:
1995 - 1997 Flower Troupe
1997: That's Revue (Takarazuka), Dark Gentleman (Black)/ Good Gentleman (White)/Gentleman of Bouquet d'Amour/Laborer/Bolero Man
1997: Hollywood Babylon / Southern Cross Revue, Gentleman B/ Male Vistor/ Male Guest/ Male Crowd Member/Party Man/ Male Reporter/Carioca Man/ El Dorado Man/Festa Man/ Furma Man
1997: Blue Swan (Bow Hall)
1997: The Labyrinth of Loving You! (Bow Hall)
1996-97: Hong Kong Nocturne (Bow Hall)
1996: How to Succeed, Policeman/Head Mailman/Wicket Boy/Employee
1996: Hana wa Hana nari / Hyperion
1995: East of Eden / Dandyism!
1995: Champion! (Bow/Nippon Seinenkan)
1994: Winter Storm / Hyper Stage! (Takarazuka)
1994: I Won't Forget the Young Day's Song / Jump Orient! (Tokyo)
1997: That's Revue (Takarazuka)
1997: Hollywood Babylon, Gentleman/ Male Visitor/Roy/Lloyd
1996: How to Succeed, Employee
1996: Hyperion
1995: East of Eden
1997: Third Akiko Kanda Lesson Recital