Amon Machi

Picture Credit: lokai / Otome 2003
Name: Amon Machi
Kanji: 亜門 真地
Current Troupe:
Role: Otokoyaku
Status: Retired
Nickname: Machi
Height: 172cm
Birthday: May 11
Blood Type:
Hometown: Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture
Favorite Food: ice cream
Favorite Flower: rose
Favorite Colors: red, black
Hobbies: shopping
Collections: fragrances, makeup
Special Talent:
Origin of Stage Name: thought of it with her family
Favorite Role:
Would Like to Try Playing: anything
Debut: 2003 (89th Class) Takarazuka Floral Diary
Troupe History:
2003 - 2006 Flower Troupe
2005-06: Palermo Shines in the Setting Sun / Asian Winds!
2005: Ernest in Love, Servant / Farmer
2005: Marrakech: A Crimson Tombstone / Enter the Revue
2004: La Esperanza / Takarazuka Maimu
2004: Endless Flight / Season of Angels / Applause Takarazuka!
2003: A Flute Named Wind / A Revue is Born (Tokyo)
2005-06: Palermo Shines in the Setting Sun, Luca
2005: Marrakech: A Crimson Tombstone, George
2004: La Esperanza
2004: Season of Angels, Ambassador
2003: A Flute Named Wind (Tokyo)
2003: Senor Don Juan (Takarazuka)
2005: R•Hatter